Buying timber

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4 Dec 2003
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United Kingdom
I got myself a timber brochure from Travis Perkins and sized up the timber I needed as 50mm x 25mm PSE. So, I go along to the local branch to pick it up having confirmed they had they had it in stock, only to find that it came up much smaller - 20mm by 45mm. Is this standard and why do they advertise it as being bigger?

No doubt it's just reduced in the planing down but there was no mention in the timber brochure of measurements being inaccurate.

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the sizes are correct in that from a proper builders merchant or wood yard the stock size is what is quoted if its sawn it will be those sizes .
pse[planed square edge] means exactly that and as you say the act of plaining removes about a quarter inch[6mm] from the size
so its stock size the size quoted [the size it starts at]and finnished size the size you get

so just remove 6mm from any sizes to get the finnished planed sizes

ask if thats stock size or finnished size[finnished size is what you get]

also the price in travis perkins is always way expensive you need to be getting 40% discount as they inflate there prices above other timber yards
Just to add on,

If you see PAR (plane all round) on the timber, that will be the finish size.
Thanks big-all and Masona, confirms what I had thouht but now I know the correct terminology too.
If you see PAR (plane all round) on the timber, that will be the finish size.
That was my next question, thanks for that.


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If you are going to buy from Travis P it is worth phoning for a price first, and ask if you can get any discount. Make a note of the price they quote and take it with you when you go for the timber.
If you want 50x25mm then ask for 50x25 finished which will be machined from the next size up.
I find this firm to be robbing b******* and stay away from them at all costs. Wickes and B&Q warehouse are cheaper.
Yeah, totally overpriced in TP.

Funny how they now own Wickes, whose prices are a lot cheaper!

Guess large businesses have accounts there and get big discount.
I have 3 woodyards in a row on the same road.
I mentioned about Wickes prices to the boss of the one I use most and he laughed saying that their lowest quality timber was much better than the stuff Wickes sold and that they would never consider stocking such rubbish.
'Only worth using for pit props' was how he described Wickes timber.
TP is only a two hundred yars from the nearest of these three woodyard.
No guesses where I buy all my timber unless just cheap treated stuff for the garden.
You get good service when you have built up a good relationship with your local yard.
its very hard to beat whicks or b&q for price on most things, you think your getting a bargain until the dreaded VAT. i agree in most builders yards theres a good crack between the lads and the customer even more so a week before xmas ;) . i went to a builders yard the other day £1.60 for a skim bead after VAT, 98p in wicks, if you need ten its a £6.20 difference and thats before ive bought the plaster and other bits and bobs, theres sometimes a £20 pound difference for £30 worth of gear, these yards must only exist because of the rapour and custom theyve built up over the years, and the fact there on your doorstep, or the profit is that good.
You don't need to be a big business to get huge discounts at TP. They totally rip off people coming in off the street who don't have accounts. If you do have one though, the discounts are all subject to negotiation and can easily be in excess of 50% for timber.
like i said they build a rapour and sometimes make you think your getting a bargain, i always say to myself wow a £200 pair of shoes have been reduced to £100 a bargain half price or 50% there only worth a £100 anywhere else there not doing you a favour theyve just passed the price onto the next item you buy and so on, all im saying is shop about .
My local timber merchants give me more choices of timber as they can stock it all in their yard.

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