Can Iain Duncan Smith Really Reform The Benefits System?

15 Dec 2007
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United Kingdom
When 'New' Labour came to power, one of their manifesto promises was to 'think the unthinkable' on the welfare system and overhaul it. When Frank Field did what he was instructed to do by his masters, he was promptly sacked. This pledge, along with many other of Bliar's, was promptly swept under the carpet and forgotten.

Is it likely that a Tory minister, ie. Duncan Smith, will be able to reduce the unaffordable amount of benefit payments that a large proportion of the population exist on? Benefits are like a drug, that many are now dependent on, can they really go 'cold turkey', and either be cast adrift to fend for themselves, or at least have benefit levels reduced?

What are the consequences if the tap is turned off for many claimants? Will a new coalition government want to risk possible riots from the hard-left agitators, with the results seen in Greece recently, or the poll tax riots of 1991?
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But to where do you repatriate those indiginous to this country, who satisfy the criteria outlined above?
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True nationals, would have course still need supporting, but do it directly, not with giro cheques or payment into accounts,

I know there is no easy solution, there does however seem a need for more screening, when you see people on benefits who are able to afford more luxuries than people who have worked all their lives.

Yehh,,, lazy bastard s,,,, i'd give 'em vouchers instead of money, They just waste it on fags, booze etc.
Strip the system down to it's bare essentials and reward families who take responsibility for their own situation.

If you're out of work you get 80% of the national minimum wage per working age adult. Nothing else. No housing benefit, no council tax benefit, no free this, no free that, definitely no extra benefits based on having more kids.

My boss doesn't care how many kids I have when it comes to what he pays me, why should the taxpayer?

But if you stay with your partner - or at least share the financial responsiblities of your kids - then you won't get penalised when one of you finds a job.
I'm all for all the lazy parasites having their money cut; repatriating immigrants who are a drain on the system is a no brainer.

Pay your way or fek off back to where you came from.
Tax credits - I dont get this. If taxes werent so high to start with . . . . :rolleyes:
What a marvellous idea. Instead of a single adult receiving £64.50p a week jobseekers allowance, they would now receive £185.60p.
Bit of a no brainer really.

A better idea would be to pay those that have not contributed anything at all, zilch. These asylum seekers, should be told, No work No money.
Don't put them up in £1600+ per week rented accommodation in Westminster. Offer them specially built cheap social housing units, with beds, chairs and not much else. Certainly no HD 48" plasma screen tv's!
If they don't accept it, they can sleep rough.
Of course, I realise that this would never happen as it's against their Human Rights to live in such conditions. The do gooders in society would rather see them in the Hilton hotel at our expense.
Yep, and that's ALL they'd get. No £500+ a month housing benefit, no £100 a month council tax benefit, no extra Income Support or whatever just because they have a load of kids, no free prescriptions, no free travel, no free anything.

And no armies of civil servants to administer it all.

Works out far cheaper overall and means NOBODY would be better off on the dole than they would be working.
It isn't going to happen until the UK defaults on its debts - currently over £900 billion. Then there won't be a benefit system at all.

Western democracy is a popularity contest and any government that tries to bring in draconian cuts will be booted out of office for acting in an unpopular manner.

Not only that - how many benefit claimants have you met that you could seriously entertain employing?
The irish reformed their welfare system without defaulting although they are in deep **** just like we are.
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