Can Iain Duncan Smith Really Reform The Benefits System?

Hopefully Cameron gets shot of our involvement in the human rights act and cuts all the benefits and boots out all the immigrants.

Dole spongers should have their rent and basic utilities paid and £200 of food vouchers a month and that is it!! No more spare money to buy crates of Stella and packs of cigs, and I wouldn't be opposed to threatening them to lose their benefits all together if the conceive another child.

I will happily let them take an extra 10% of my wages if they done this in return.

Joining the EU was the biggest mistake this country ever made.
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Dole spongers should have their rent and basic utilities paid and £200 of food vouchers a month and that is it!!

there would be several thousand happy single people with that deal ;)

a single person if you exclude poll tax and accomodation gets £65 a week for electric gas phone water food clothing replace any houshold products and entertainment
by the time the bills are paid that going to be say £5 a day for food clothing and any hp or loans
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