Can't remove window handle

29 Dec 2020
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United Kingdom
I have removed the two retaining screws from my upvc window handle but it won't pull out so I am looking for how to overcome this. For background, I have purchased a replacement Maco shootbolt locking mechanism as existing one is corroded and very stiff so need to remove the handle before the locking fitting can be removed. Somehow the spindle of the handle is stuck fast in the locking mechanism, I have changed handles before and old handle just pulls out easily but not this time.

Can anyone offer a solution please?

Thanks for your help.
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Tried a paint scraper behind to ease out? Photo of said handle?
Thanks for reply. Pictures attached. There isn't space to insert anything to lever the handle away.


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Have a look where I’ve suggested paint scraper just to ease out


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Catch could be binding making it difficult to release, open the window slightly to free.
Thanks both for your replies. I have tried pulling it out with the window open and closed, in all positions with no luck. Looking at the replacement espag mechanism the square socket that the handle spindle slots into is made of plastic. It has obviously fused on to the spindle. As there is no room to insert anything without damaging the frame, I am planning to sacrifice the handle and take a hammer (gently at first) to the fixed part with screws removed to try and make the hole in the espag mechanism bigger and free the spindle. All work has stopped for today and I will report back on Thursday when no driving rain is forecast in Cornwall!
Cornwall = salt air, all that's holding that handle on is corrosion between the spindle and the drive in the espag, it won't be made of plastic either, hardened steel more like, very brittle and prone to disintegrating when forced if the locking mech is stiff to operate, only thing I can suggest is plenty of WD-40 and maybe some hammer taps under the mech from outside to try and break the corrosion
Thanks for all your replies. Pleased to say that I have removed the handle. It was badly corroded. Hammer taps on either side of the fixed part and lots of pulling and moving side to side brought it out eventually.

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