
7 Oct 2007
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United Kingdom
So it seems to be a bit shoddy at the moment and not working were all paying back a debt we personally didn't have.
So how does that work then?
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Ahh, but we do have a collective debt, brought on by the stupid electorate of this country. They voted for New Labour in successive elections, knowing their policies were ones of spend, spend and give more money to Europe and the rest of the world. Their politicians were the worst ones for fiddling expenses and swapping houses for tax purposes when it suited them (substitute, until they were found out) They left the UK with "Nothing in the kitty" (their words to the incoming chancellor after they lost the last election)
Wonder what your wife would say (or do) if she asked for some housekeeping money, only for you to tell her "There's nothing left dear." ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
The 'stupid electorate' were the ones who voted in Thatcher in the first place, not the spawn of Thatcher... ;)
Infidel said:
So how does that work then?

Have you ever put money into a bank account? What do you think they did with it? :?: :?: :?: Answer, they lent it to somebody else just as fast as they could. What's more, they lent it at a higher rate of interest than they're paying you. That's how banks make their money. :) :) :)

Now this works rather well most of the time - until the bank lends your money to somebody who can't pay it back. What they've really done is give YOUR MONEY away. :eek: :eek: :eek: And not just yours. The factory down the road also had its money in the bank and that's gone too - so there's no money to pay its workers' wages. Maybe one of them is you! :cry: :cry: :cry:

When you think about all the people whose money has simply vanished, you see that the consequences of a bank going bust are disastrous. So what's the solution? The government lends money to the bank, just like you did but on a massive scale, to replace all the money they gave away. And where do they get this money? There are only four possibilities:

1) They can raise taxes - which will make them really popular at the next election! :mad: :mad: :mad:

2) They can get rid of loads of their own employees, for that is what public service cuts really boil down to. This is also politically risky. :confused: :confused: :confused:

3) They can print it. The fancy name for this is 'quantitative easing' but that comes at a price, namely inflation. :!: :!: :!:

4) They can borrow it from somewhere else - like China. :idea: :idea: :idea:

The 'debt' we're all paying back is hidden in all these options:

1) You're paying more tax but getting nothing for it.

2) Even if you haven't actually lost your job, you're getting less for the tax you were already paying.

3) You're paying more for everything.

4) You owe money to a Chinese bank.
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Why spend so much time typing when you could have just said 'We're f*cked'

Joe (or his protégé) would have done so... ;)
Have a wealthy neighbour who went to his bank to withdraw a large amount as it was rumoured they might go t*ts up.
Bank of course could not pay him so they signed the bank over to him instead and the bank now rents the property.
I picked up that Ireland built a motorway, that cost £80 million, and now they in debt to the tune of £80 million, so the savings first year in the UK are apparently £80 million, going to Ireland.

Also we give aid to India for a similar amount, but they give aid to other countries for far more. So why are we subsidising them? Ex colonial country? Favours?

Then we are asked to give aid to Somalia? DEC has an appeal, surely they have received lots of money. But Somalian Pirates argh! have killed a British subject, and kidnapped his wife?

You get all this foreign aid, thrown away to foreign countries, to fund their Governments, and not help the people....

I went into the Charity shop that I used to work in, forcibly, otherwise I'd lose my dole money, Cerebal Palsy, that affects people in the UK, and the manager was practically on her knees, for us to volunteer. But the dole forbades that. Unless they send you there. So why are there people sending money to African states, that kidnap and kill British people abroad, when there is so much help required at home? And that old saying 'Charity being at home' ?

Micky, username was Mickyme, until she got banned for no reason; got a £90 pair of trainers for £4. Hardly worn.

On the dole allowed to work 16 hours a week. For charity. If the dole sends you, you work 48 hours a week 6 days a week. This shop is choking, and needs volunteers. Who sends their money to pirates and corrupt governments abroad? And who supports people that they know in their street?
Mickymoody said:
Then we are asked to give aid to Somalia?

And, in a different thread:

squeaky said:
A millionaire banker goes to Africa and shoots a lion - just for the fun of it.

Maybe the millionaire employees of would like to hunt pirates instead. :idea: :idea: :idea:
All these financial problems are caused by greed of people trying to fund life styles they cannot afford

Banks can only lend money to idiots who want to borrow it

and then act all shocked when they ask for the money back
Banks are no doubt a greedy bunch of merchants

But individuals CHOSE to take out huge mortgages 7x their salary and huge loans and that responsibility lies with them
But if they didn't take them out then they'd be stuck renting for ever. That idiot El Gordo encouraged banks to stop applying the 2.5 times salary rule which removed an effective cap on house prices and created the housing bubble. He should be flogged weekly.
But if they didn't take them out then they'd be stuck renting for ever. That idiot El Gordo encouraged banks to stop applying the 2.5 times salary rule which removed an effective cap on house prices and created the housing bubble. He should be flogged weekly.

Nonsense supply and demand, people talk about a nanny
State and then when the restrictions are taken off they complain.

If you can't afford it RENT forever!
...nothing to do with supply and demand spacecat, that has always existed, the cap should never have been removed or at least when house prices started to rocket to ridiculous levels the interest rate should have been increased to calm the market down and avoid it running away as it did.
High house prices benefit no one.....unless you are dead (and your family inherit) or unless you are moving out of this country.
As I said before .....renting is not an 'easy' option ...landlords charge high rent to offset large mortgages ..... it is incredibly difficult for youngsters to get on the housing ladder whether buying or renting.
There was NO cap it was just the Banks way of regulating their own risk.

You could get a higher mortgage at that time if you could prove you could pay it back, banks were far more circumspect than they became.
They run busiNesses not charities and you borrow money at YOUR own risk

If one took out huge loans knowing that a small interest increase could scupper their finances then more fool them

If your starting out and want to buy a House buy in a CHEAPER area!

People are obsessed with home ownership in this country

There is No right to buy just ability!
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