
I don't see how people can find gambling entertaining. The obvious exception is when they win, but by definition this has to be a significant minority of the time. So, for the most part, gambling is simply giving away money. I can't think of anyone who would enjoy this except those who have more money that they possibly deserve...
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david and julie said:
Ban. Where did you get those figures from?
Made 'em up. It wasn't meant to be a real number which is why I made it look, I thought, unreal.

All I meant was that, AFAICT, the vast majority of people who go to casinos do not end up with an addiction to gambling, any more than do the millions who buy lottery tickets, bet on horses, do the pools, go to bingo etc. They enjoy it. Should they be denied that because a small number of people can't take it or leave it?

Is this a case of what the majority want, they should get? I think it probably is.

And how ironic is this - as I type this reply, the advert at the top of the page is for these people:
ninebob said:
I don't see how people can find gambling entertaining.
Does it not depend on the nature of the gambling?

I've never been interested in backing horses, or betting where a little white ball will end up etc - in short I get no entertainment from betting on things over which I have no control.

But something where my skill can influence the result, like a game of cards? Very different matter - definitely adds to the entertainment value of the game.

So, for the most part, gambling is simply giving away money.
Yes - if you derive no pleasure from the manner in which you "give it away". If you do, and you can afford it, and don't end up with a problem, you might prefer to look on it as "spending".

I can't think of anyone who would enjoy this except those who have more money that they possibly deserve...
OK - that's how it seems to you, but are you really trying to deny the reality that there are lots of people who plainly do enjoy it, no matter how hard it is for you to grasp it? I have absolutely no interest in football - wouldn't bother me if it was never played again. I can't understand what people see in sitting for hours by the side of a muddy river with a fishing rod on a stand next to them. Why it is fun to write the numbers of aircraft or trains in a little book I have absolutely no idea.

But I know that millions of people do have these interests, and I can't apply my standards and say "I can't think of anyone who would enjoy {football|fishing|trainspotting}"
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ban-all-sheds said:
I've never been interested in backing horses, or betting where a little white ball will end up etc - in short I get no entertainment from betting on things over which I have no control.

But something where my skill can influence the result, like a game of cards? Very different matter - definitely adds to the entertainment value of the game.

Fair enough - but in my mind that's much less "gambling", more towards "professional sport", or "paying to play for fun".

Like when I play "killer pool" in the pub - I don't view the £1 I pay as a stake towards a jackpot at the end of the game, but as my fee for taking a few shots and having half an hour of social fun.

But casinos? You can't tell me that people hand over their money because they enjoy seeing a roulette ball go round and round in a wheel, or rollers rotating in a slot machine? No - their only interest is the end result, which is purely down to chance.
It's an odd description to call these establishments "Las Vegas style" casino's.

There is more to Vegas than just the casino's. I know someone who has been Vegas and not gambled at all(bit odd mind).

In Vegas you get dozens of themed hotel's, top line show's and entertainment, usually nice weather in which you can walk and admire the street show's,the tacky but interesting architecture, There are fairs, watersports,fishing, golf, museums, country parks,shopping etc.

The casino's provide very cheap meals and also subsidise local taxes and schools.

There is no comparison to Las Vegas in what is proposed here, where they mean just gambling. Which is already available anyway.

It is like comparing Disney Paris with Disney Florida, it is just not the same thing.
Bet there was a few bob made on personalised number plates .. when someone realised that these hard working business men love their luxury cars and ..... those number plates !! I mean to a Brit ROB 1 for example would automatically be seen as an expensive plate .... But maybe not some of the lettering and numbers meaningful from a Chinese point of view.
Pipme. funny you shoud say that about the Chinese and gambling.

Once when we were in Vegas we were on roulette, a Chinese (or Japanese) lady didn't even stop walking, put a 1000 dollar chip on red and lost, she looked back and didn't even flinch. We were playing on the same table at the time.

You would think money had gone out of fashion the way they gamble.
Get my drift on the car regs ? Just have a look at that Merc driven by one of our far Eastern friends note the plate ... They have 'lucky' numbers and initials which sometimes just appear random to us ... Now if you are buying up plates .. do some far eastern research !!!
If the government didn't allow a few vices drinking, gambling, smoking, then the populace would soon become rebellious it's their way of keeping us under control.
Seems that Mr. Brown (good ole gordy!) has scaled down the plan.

Appears the plan originates from 'culture' secretary Tessa Jowell. Never liked her in the first place, if this harms her career all the better. She's more Blairite than Blair. Always knew she was the enemy within.
Why do people play the lottery? It's because they dream of a better life.
A human instinct we all possess is the want to win/succeed.
kendor said:
Why do people play the lottery? It's because they dream of a better life.
A human instinct we all possess is the want to win/succeed.

As with all things, you have to be 'in it to win it', long odds .. suppose might be better off in casino playing the even money shots .. hang on, must be less than even .. is there not a 'house slot' where house only wins ? ..
Watched the Horizon programme a couple of weeks ago on the Casino's attempts to stop a band of Scientists going around with an infallible counting system for Blackjack, now as far as i'm concerned counting isn't a crime but a skill of playing the game, How many punters lose bundles to them for not being good players yet when they come across someone who uses skill they want to ban them just because they win??
So what did the Casino's do in the end to stop them? They installed Face recogniton in the lobby areas so that they could refuse entry to them, now whose cheating?!!?
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