
18 Feb 2007
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United Kingdom
I have had a discussion on this subject as a diversion from the original topic which was being discussed, but lets have some fun.
Is it me or my some of my neighbours that are being unreasonable.
I have a cat problem with these little darlings using my garden as a toilet and digging up plants.
I very politely approached my neighbours and asked them for assistance in reducing the problem, (note I said reduce not necessarily eliminate). The response was that each one of them could not believe their cat would do such a disgusting thing. So I photographed several of them (on different occasions, you understand it was not a mass communal dumping,) doing their biz. I presented the evidence politely to my neighbours who then got a little verbally aggressive as they thought I should not be photographing their animal without their permission. They did not appreciate that their cat didn't seek permission to defecate on my lawn either and a photograph is rather less offensive I find. As they refused to accept resposibility for their cats actions, I tried the old remedies at great expense of Moth Balls, Pepper, Stop that Cat and all that stuff, none of which worked.
At a friends suggestion I borrowed his Staffordshire Bull Terrier. :eek: :eek: :eek:
Unfortunately this wonderful little dog dealt with the problem in a rather more permanent fashion than I had intended but it did reduce my problem by 25%. I had to return the the little dog promptly to its rightful owner. :(
Now I am faced with the refusal of neighbours to accept responsibility for their animals disgusting habits and the problem goes unresolved.
Do you think it unreasonable of me to catch the cats causing the problem and disposing of them in a less permanent fashion to that which the Bull Terrier seems to prefer. Or if that is deemed unreasonable what alternative solution could the objectors suggest.
Or is it a cat owners right to have their cat defecate anywhere it wants?
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Look on the bright side, you could be living in Kenya and it might be elephants instead of cats :eek:
Not again! :rolleyes: Now clearly I don't know you or anything about you but hypothetically let say you had a daughter who lived in her own house with a garden and owned a cat, how would you feel if one day your distraught daughter turned up to say that a neighbour had catnapped her cat and 'disposed of it'. Would you be happy or mad? Try being nice to them, it seems to have worked for some posters on here. At the end of the day, if you don't want cats taking a dump in your garden, move to a house in the country.
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Do you think it unreasonable of me to catch the cats causing the problem and disposing of them in a less permanent fashion to that which the Bull Terrier seems to prefer. Or if that is deemed unreasonable what alternative solution could the objectors suggest.
There is the obvious one ... IT'S ILLEGAL! ;)

Or is it a cat owners right to have their cat defecate anywhere it wants?
I appreciate that this is somewhat distressing for you but you need to understand a couple of things ...

1. Cats do not listen to their owners. :rolleyes:
2. Cats are extremely difficult to train (not impossible but damn hard going).
3. Cats are exceptionally clean animals and will not foul their own environment ... Great for their owners ... Not so great for you.

Start by asking yourself what it is you want your neighbours to do about the problem ... You may then begin to realise the futility of the question:cool:

There is an answer ... House cats who don't go out at all but this isn't for everyone.

I have 2 ragdoll's who don't go out, perhaps you could come and live near me :LOL:

Great subject :LOL:

I have had a big problem with cats doing doo doos in my Gardens :evil: at my last house and at my present house. I have a Staffordshire Bull Terrier but she's likes cats and likes what they leave in my Garden :eek: :confused:

About 12 months ago my wife started feeding a stray cat, cut a long story short it now lives with us and we have no cat doo doo in the garden. I know this isn't the answer, not everyone wants a cat, I dont! but I am a big softy.

I really do think that cat owners should have to walk their cats on a lead and pickup the mess they make as dog owners have too. Why not?
Hysteresiss you have successfully dealt with your so called problem in two of the most aggressive and illegal ways possible. Using dogs as above or quoting a recent post.
If you lived near me then you would be have a greater respect in life :evil: .

Cats are classed as free roaming animals just like birds, foxes or hedgehogs etc.. all of which will sh1t in your garden.

By the way, i'm guessing you drink fosters so I'm putting a can out in the garden in the hope that you are attracted to it. I'll then catch you, put you in my van, take you 20 miles and then set my mates staff on you.... sound alright to you. :evil: :evil:
Climb over the fence on all fours have a sniff around the flower beds, when happy with a spot drop your troozers and take a dump in their garden.

Burying is optional.
Hi Everyone,
Well my post had the response but not a practical solution other than the cartridge one which sounds very practical.
Oh! Doc Lenny, The free roaming animals you quote don't live in a house, and who on earth classes cats as free roaming animals if they are then it is absolute animal cruelty caging them up in a house. They don't belong there. I think you rather defeat your own argument there.
From a Prick to a Prick Doc, if I dumped in your garden I would deserve to be picked up by you and taken 20 miles away to be dealt with as you see fit, but as I don't dump in your garden I don't deserve the mis-treatment. By the way I don't drink Fosters, more a beer man myself.
I have tried Securesparks suggestion and it did not really have any effect.
Now Freddymercurystwin poses a situation with which I would be delighted. That would be another cat problem dealt with. Now a House in the country sounds idyllic but financially impractical I also don't intend been driven from my home by cats, my solution is exactly the opposite, don't run from a problem but deal with it.
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Having just spoken to a friend who had this problem of cats he tried this method and he claims it worked.

Life sized photos of agressive looking cats stuck in the garden appeared to frighten other cats away.
You can purchase dried lion poo, the domestic cats are then scared by it, by believing a big F*** off cat lives there and dont come back.
Hysteresis you're evil.

1. Cats aren't disgusting. Name one thing about them you find disgusting. They bury their turds, you couldnt wish for a cleaner animal!

2. We live in an area where there used to be a lot of cats, all owned by someone, but they roamed freely between gardens and across the street. There used to be cat fights outside many nights, but as most people owned a cat it was fine, we didnt mind the noise, and they never did each other any real harm. If it got out of hand a quick hiss out of the window did the trick.

3. Have you ever approached a cat who hasn't noticed you, or is quietly exploring new territory or something new on his patch, being very quiet, then banged your foot? Our cat used to jump 3 feet in the air :LOL: It was so funny i'm sat here laughing now :LOL: Sadly his health deteriorated and he is no longer with us.

4. Surely you aren't going to tell me that you dont find cats chasing birds entertaining? We used to sit by the window and watch our cat bird-watching. He'd crouch down, in attack mode and slowly creep across the lawn. :cool: Then when the bird flew off he'd act like nothing happened and preen himself there on the lawn :LOL:

5. I used to love nothing more than laying in bed waching TV with the cat beside me, purring away. Very comforting animal. Though it did used to frighten me (when i was a kid) and he'd come into my room when i was still in bed, and jump on the bed. I'd lay there for 5 minutes, waiting for revenge. When he was silent, (he hadn't noticed me, I laid perfectly still) I'd jump up from my bed. :LOL: And he'd shoot down the stairs faster than you could say bobs yer uncle. :LOL: 2 minutes later he'd be back to see what it was!!

Unfortunately, this cat I talk of above is the only one we managed to keep hold of. The others before him ran away. :( And we haven't gone looking for another because we have a dog now (cat and dog got on fine together)
Hi Steve,
How weird, you like to watch your cat tearing harmless little bird to pieces.
I think that is more evil than hating cats, at least I don't tear them From limb to limb.
I can't reconcile your logic.
Bury their turds indeed, that becomes a little difficult when you have passed a turd through a lawn mower. The smell makes me vomit.
I wonder why a lot of your previous cats ran away. Would you let me have your secret as I am sure there are a lot of our readers who would love to know also. I think you may be sat on an idea worth £millions.
Or maybe you had a cat hating neighbour like me. Oh! and Zampa.
Zampa's description is spot on.
Bury their turds indeed, that becomes a little difficult when you have passed a turd through a lawn mower. The smell makes me vomit.
That's unusual, might be foxes?
Zampa's description is spot on.
Have to disagree, you have to accept animal’s nature on this planet including human being which gives you no rights what is a pointless animals
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