Christmas shopping...



is it people supporting a religion? or a lot of people made to feel like they should fit in with an economic demom who controls the economy at this time of year with emotive ads to make people part with their cash?
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If it wasn't for the kids looking forward to it so much we wouldn't bother. So, I suppose we are driven by market forces.
I think many are driven by nostalgia. Christmas comes around and it invokes images of playing in the snow, opening pressies as a kid, playing with new toys*, eating loads of cakes at nans and getting three weeks off school. All this romanticism clouds their recent memories that the last 15 christmas-es have been crap and snowless, nans been dead for 12 years and they will spend the next 6 months trying to pay off their credit cards.

*in the case of some of the codgers on here it's nostalgic remeniscience of a spinning top and the smell of an orange.
I think many are driven by nostalgia. In the case of some of the codgers on here it's nostalgic remeniscience of a spinning top and the smell of an orange.

Thanks for the memory, but why the derogatory description of those of us getting on in years? I hope that when my kids grow up to be your age, whatever that is, that they don't refer to the old bats as codgers!
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i'm not particularly well versed on religion, but i would bet there are special occasions in all religions, whereby folks can show a little appreciation for each other, have a celebration or two, take some time off work and just do something for a friend relative or neighbour that you wouldn't normally do.

probably! :rolleyes:

i'm fairly certain, if we didn't have Christmas, we would sure find an excuse to take some time off work and celebrate something. :LOL:
I like this end of December!

You don't have the pressure of the holidays and there is everything to look forward to!

Look on the bright side - this is the calm before the storm.
just do something for a neighbour that you wouldn't normally do.

I agree wholeheartedly! A couple of weeks back when I was full of the seasonal spirit, I went to the bother of returning my neighbours cats poo which it had lost in my garden. When he opened his door and saw it lying there on his doorstep, he must have thought that Christmas had come early.
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