Computer hacking..



You get the occasional story of kids in their bedroom hacking into the RBS or the Pentagon computers. But i don't really understand what;s happening. Are they simply finding a user id and a password that works? or are they doing far more technically advanced jiggery pokery?

Anyone know?
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It's more abusing the website to find valuable information like customer details, card details etc..

Say a website is programmed in SQL (a computer language), a series of SQL codes can be used to manipulate the website and to show pages that shouldn't be shown to the public.

If it's a server they are hacking into, sniffing is used to capture packet data, all this data can form a password to enter the server.

Reminds me when I used to hack wireless access points, to break the WEP encryption (my own only of course, as hacking others is ilegal) :LOL:
It's a lot more complicated than that, a lot of kids start of with simpler stuff like cracking wifi networks, they download programs which circumnavigate the wifi security so they can hijack other peoples wifi and surf for free or id changers which make you appear to be surfing from another country, useful for watching things like BBC iplayer when out of the country as it's blocked from being viewed if your IP address shows you are outside the uk.
One problem with learning to hack is the sites providing the dodgy software are use by highly experienced computer bods who like to drop viruses in the programs for the noobs to discover.
Once they get better at it they may find an employee of a company who has access to the companies data and remotely install a data logger which records every key press made on their computer, this would eventually reveal login details and passwords.
so cat n mouse at the highest level !!

so what's the driver? is it criminal behaviour? how do these kids find out about this stuff - i have to say at this point i'm a computer programmer for a living, and yet don't get this new age stuff at all... :eek:
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I would have thought a lot of these virus's were written by security software firms?
Two different kinds of people.

1. The responsible hacker that likes to just test his own capabilites without causing any harm. He would hack something, send an anonymous email explaining his findings and how he got there so they could fix it.

2. The devious kid out to cause mayhem for his own fun. Destroys all he can and covers his tracks.

Places like and have an abundence of information and hackers alike who all learn from eachother etc... Generally they start by learning programming first
Two different kinds of people.

1. The responsible hacker that likes to just test his own capabilites without causing any harm. He would hack something, send an anonymous email explaining his findings and how he got there so they could fix it.

2. The devious kid out to cause mayhem for his own fun. Destroys all he can and covers his tracks.

Places like and have an abundence of information and hackers alike who all learn from eachother etc... Generally they start by learning programming first

Thank-you. We can consider this thread closed, answer delivered, and not one iota of nastiness.... quick mods lock the thread now !!!!
I believe these kids are doing a wonderful job.........

1. They identify ways of gaining access to systems.

2. Its better they do it rather than a terrorist.

3. They are showing a level of expertise far greater than professionals.

4. They should be brought in to the industry to highlight the arrogant stupidity of the system builders.

They with others should be given a well paid job to sort out the problems that the industry fail to do.

I blame the industry for being so incredibly stupid.
In the US a lot of kids who hack in places like the Pentagon usually get employed by them afterwards.
There may be easy ways into a server depending on the security level that the server has been "locked down".
Obviously servers must have some ports that allow users to access, via authorised IDs and passwords. Some web interactive servers allow non-logged-in access, ie anyone can access a certain limited level.

There are other ports that wouldn't normally be used. If these ports are not overtly shut down, ie "locked" to prevent unauthorised access the server has a weak point.

When we launched an internet service, many years ago, (I'm about 5 years into retirement now), we brought in a security expert to lock down the servers. We also operated the payment system on a different server so that hackers couldn't directly access the payment server, which obviously had card details on it for payments to be processed.

I remember, many years ago, accessing other PCs on the network by using something like $C: to access DOS on their root drive. This bypassed any required login. I can't remember the exact syntax now, but once into the harddrive it was a simple task to load autoexec and/or windows files.

My vague recollection of Windows NT (it was a long time ago), was that in setting up security levels, it can be quite confusing when you're setting up groups of servers, one server can see and trust another, but cannot be trusted by that other. You then might need to mirror that trust relationship on the other server, ie can see, and can't trust, but can be trusted.
On top of that there was a priority of relationships, one taking precedence over another.
Once you're into a whole array of servers, it's amazingly easy to overlook a trust relationship or to inadvertently leave a weak point.

It's even confusing trying to explain and understand it.

Once a server is visibe on the network it's purely time to try all the potential weak points or to discover new ones. As we know, even Microsoft overlooks some when introducing a new OS.
The OP mentions the story of the kid arrested this week,

But my understanding is that he didnt "hack it" he "attacked it" with a denial of service attack. ( as reported by the BBC no less)

Am I right? because a DOS attack is completely different (and possibly legal?)

same with several other recently and widely reported incidents - they were all DOS - simply the server crashed because too may simultaneous requests were made and the system could not cope...

...trouble is at my age I am easily confused :oops:
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