Computer hacking..

ok, well you lot do know how to spout bollx.... all i wanted to know is, id=f i wanted to break into te RBS say? then am i just 'guessing' logins and passwords, or do i have to pretend to be a router, etc?

You'd need to map out the attack landscape using suitable tools, probe for vulnerabilites, craft an exploit to make use of any you find and then deploy it. Chances of success? Non-existent. Financial organisations have stronger security than most. :p
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There's nothing out of context or inaccurate here - I happen to know a bit about networks, security and hacking. It's what I do for a living. ;)

Yes, but 20 years ago Micky assembled computers for a living, so obviously he knows more than us.

Ahh... My mistake :LOL:

I'm unsure where that information came from, as I have NEVER assembled computers...well maybe in the '90's? How to presume that information? Is me building computers on an adhoc basis relevent?

Or me working on a production line of one, producing hdisk systems for Atari and Amiga, maybe 20 years ago? 1989-1991 I think? Look up Third Coast
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There's nothing out of context or inaccurate here - I happen to know a bit about networks, security and hacking. It's what I do for a living. ;)

Yes, but 20 years ago Micky assembled computers for a living, so obviously he knows more than us.

Ahh... My mistake :LOL:

I'm unsure where that information came from, as I have NEVER assembled computers...well maybe in the '90's? How to presume that information?

I have trouble keeping track of all your wild claims, so I just made something up. You're familiar with the concept.
There's nothing out of context or inaccurate here - I happen to know a bit about networks, security and hacking. It's what I do for a living. ;)

Yes, but 20 years ago Micky assembled computers for a living, so obviously he knows more than us.

Ahh... My mistake :LOL:

I'm unsure where that information came from, as I have NEVER assembled computers...well maybe in the '90's? How to presume that information?

I have trouble keeping track of all your wild claims, so I just made something up. You're familiar with the concept.

If your life is so boring, then feel free to make stuff up. If you feel the need to make stuff up, go for seems strange that you are so boring...that you need to post to post agression towards me.

My 'Wild' claims are true. Maybe you are an idiot.
If your life is so boring, then feel free to make stuff up. If you feel the need to make stuff up, go for seems strange that you are so boring...that you need to post to post agression towards me.

My 'Wild' claims are true. Maybe you are an idiot.

I'm sure some of what you say is true. I'm sure almost all of it has absolutely no relevance to the threads you post in or the modern world in general.

Maybe you're an idiot. Wait, no, there's no maybe about it..

So, back to the previous topic, will you be giving us any details on how IPv6 is vulnerable and clearly the cause of your Facebook account supposedly being 'hacked', or are you just afraid of 'new' (and by 'new' I mean 'stabilised and waiting to be adopted for well over five years') technology?