Computer hacking..

It's not hacking, it's a DOS message, which basically means going to a site and keep pressing f5 to refresh the site.

If I did that here, then my finger would wear out the f5 key and my finger would hurt...

However, if I disassemble the webaddress to it's IP number (done in one click - MS tells you how), then write a text file with that ip number, to ping that address, then an OP code for the f5 key, ie if you press and hold alt then press 255, then release alt key, you get a space, try it.., then repeatedly run that program on a loop, any site will eventually crash.

Don't understand the Aspergers slant on the story, due to another hacker with Aspergers hacking NASA etc, and facing charges in the US, and could be looking at life in jail. (Life meaning life).

All these virus'es and hacks are the doing of MS, that decided to use their own version of the IP system, where Apple didn't, and now that IPv6 is taking over from the current system of IPv4, new viruses are happening on the people that are trailling that system, Yahoo, Facebook, and others.
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It's not hacking, it's a DOS message, which basically means going to a site and keep pressing f5 to refresh the site.

If I did that here, then my finger would wear out the f5 key and my finger would hurt...

However, if I disassemble the webaddress to it's IP number (done in one click - MS tells you how), then write a text file with that ip number, to ping that address, then an OP code for the f5 key, ie if you press and hold alt then press 255, then release alt key, you get a space, try it.., then repeatedly run that program on a loop, any site will eventually crash.

Don't understand the Aspergers slant on the story, due to another hacker with Aspergers hacking NASA etc, and facing charges in the US, and could be looking at life in jail. (Life meaning life).

All these virus'es and hacks are the doing of MS, that decided to use their own version of the IP system, where Apple didn't, and now that IPv6 is taking over from the current system of IPv4, new viruses are happening on the people that are trailling that system, Yahoo, Facebook, and others.

So was I right? - it was a DOS attack????

It really annoys me how the media report DOS attacks as "hacking" the two are completely different and rarely result in actually "getting into the system"

...the press report these DOS attacks as though the nerds have access to secret info
It's not hacking, it's a DOS message, which basically means going to a site and keep pressing f5 to refresh the site.

If I did that here, then my finger would wear out the f5 key and my finger would hurt...

However, if I disassemble the webaddress to it's IP number (done in one click - MS tells you how), then write a text file with that ip number, to ping that address, then an OP code for the f5 key, ie if you press and hold alt then press 255, then release alt key, you get a space, try it.., then repeatedly run that program on a loop, any site will eventually crash.

Don't understand the Aspergers slant on the story, due to another hacker with Aspergers hacking NASA etc, and facing charges in the US, and could be looking at life in jail. (Life meaning life).

All these virus'es and hacks are the doing of MS, that decided to use their own version of the IP system, where Apple didn't, and now that IPv6 is taking over from the current system of IPv4, new viruses are happening on the people that are trailling that system, Yahoo, Facebook, and others.

Full of crap, as usual. I'd love to see you and your piddly little domestic connection DOS a site by pinging it.

IPv4 and IPv6 have nothing to do with viruses..
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It's not hacking, it's a DOS message, which basically means going to a site and keep pressing f5 to refresh the site.

If I did that here, then my finger would wear out the f5 key and my finger would hurt...

However, if I disassemble the webaddress to it's IP number (done in one click - MS tells you how), then write a text file with that ip number, to ping that address, then an OP code for the f5 key, ie if you press and hold alt then press 255, then release alt key, you get a space, try it.., then repeatedly run that program on a loop, any site will eventually crash.

Don't understand the Aspergers slant on the story, due to another hacker with Aspergers hacking NASA etc, and facing charges in the US, and could be looking at life in jail. (Life meaning life).

All these virus'es and hacks are the doing of MS, that decided to use their own version of the IP system, where Apple didn't, and now that IPv6 is taking over from the current system of IPv4, new viruses are happening on the people that are trailling that system, Yahoo, Facebook, and others.

Full of crap, as usual. I'd love to see you and your piddly little domestic connection DOS a site by pinging it.

IPv4 and IPv6 have nothing to do with viruses..

I'd love to see you do a DOS attack...then I could see your mug posted in the papers going to jail.

Lymmranger - it was reported, as I understand it as DoS attacks, and as stated, any mug can do it. What I 'said' was why was Aspergers syndrome to do with anything, Aspergers is a lack of attention isn't it? And taking something literally, ie driving a car, and someone says turn left, they make an immediate left, like a one track mind?

The usual Daily Mail readers don't understand anything as per, so to update the IPv4 is the IP system we use for web addresses. Apple don't use that. MS invented their own system, that is insecure, hence why PC's with Windows get viruses, so they can sell more antivirus products to us. IPv6, is being trialled, by Yahoo, and Facebook among others, to extend the IP range, as they have run out of IP addresses, like adding the 01 to your phone number, so as it's being trialled, it's wide open to attack and viruses, as it's a trial.

But the Daily Mail /Sun readers will be along, with their knowledge.."OOH BOOBIES ON PAGE 3"..and tell it like it really is, in their own tiny little minds.
so to update the IPv4 is the IP system we use for web addresses. Apple don't use that. MS invented their own system, that is insecure, hence why PC's with Windows get viruses

What an amazingly large pile of crap.

Please be quiet.
However, if I disassemble the webaddress to it's IP number (done in one click - MS tells you how), then write a text file with that ip number, to ping that address, then an OP code for the f5 key, ie if you press and hold alt then press 255, then release alt key, you get a space, try it.., then repeatedly run that program on a loop, any site will eventually crash.

Disassemble the web address to an IP address? The IP address for a site is obtained easily with a simple DNS lookup, which is exactly what your browser does when you request or whatever. You'll see that IP address in your outgoing packets requesting files from the website's server, and in the packets of data sent back from that server, so the IP address is easily ascertainable.

All these virus'es and hacks are the doing of MS, that decided to use their own version of the IP system,

What special MS version of IP addressing is that then?

where Apple didn't, and now that IPv6 is taking over from the current system of IPv4, new viruses are happening on the people that are trailling that system, Yahoo, Facebook, and others.

They may well be getting new attacks, but IPv4 vs. IPv6 has nothing to do with it.

so to update the IPv4 is the IP system we use for web addresses. Apple don't use that.

So how do you think Apple computers communicate over networks which use that standard IPv4 protocol then?

MS invented their own system, that is insecure, hence why PC's with Windows get viruses

That's got absolutely nothing to do with the IP addressing system, which is concerned only with moving packets of data from source to destination. Whether a system has potential holes in security which leave it vulnerable to attack is an entirely different matter (e.g. whether some port is giving unrestricted access to something on the server which can cause problems, as mentioned in RedHerring2's post).
Hmm Apple don't use the IPv4 system to connect to the internet then??? WTF are they using then? Internet protocols are the way computers communicate with each other over the internet. Without these protocols they won't communicate at all.
The usual Daily Mail readers don't understand anything as per, so to update the IPv4 is the IP system we use for web addresses. Apple don't use that. MS invented their own system, that is insecure, hence why PC's with Windows get viruses, so they can sell more antivirus products to us. IPv6, is being trialled, by Yahoo, and Facebook among others, to extend the IP range, as they have run out of IP addresses, like adding the 01 to your phone number, so as it's being trialled, it's wide open to attack and viruses, as it's a trial.

But the Daily Mail /Sun readers will be along, with their knowledge.."OOH BOOBIES ON PAGE 3"..and tell it like it really is, in their own tiny little minds.

Normally I'd be staggered that someone who claims to have been in the computer industry can talk such a load of bolleaux, but when I see your name attached to the post everything becomes clear, as you obviously have a very fundamental misunderstanding of how things work coupled with a complete conviction that you in fact do.

IPv4 is a network communications protocol that lets devices communicate with each other over an compatible physical (or wireless) medium. It was developed (if memory serves) either by the US Military as part of their DARPAnet project or by the US universities and research centres involved. It was not invented by Microsoft. MS have their own version of the TCP/IP stack to work with their operating systems but it is 99.99% compatible with the versions of the TCP/IP stack used by everyone else including Linux, Unix, and yes, Apple.

It has naff all to do with viruses. A virus is a program, not a communications protocol like Eastenders is a program not a digital TV signal.

IPv6 is also a network communications protocol developed mainly to deal with the problem of running out of IPv4 addresses but also to include a number of fixes designed to address the flaws in IPv4 that hackers were exploiting to do things like DDOS attacks.

I supremely doubt the DDOS attacks against SOCA, the CIA or the FBI that took place were the result of a few dozen geeks sitting at home pressing refresh on their browsers, even with a script to do it for them.

But please, don't let raw facts get in the way of your delusions. I enjoy a good laugh.
Apple don't use that. MS invented their own system, that is insecure, hence why PC's with Windows get viruses

The main reason windows gets more viruses than Macs/linux etc systems is because there are more PC's running windows so therefore virus writers tend to create more viruses targeting the windows operating system than anything else.
But the Daily Mail /Sun readers will be along, with their knowledge.."OOH BOOBIES ON PAGE 3"..and tell it like it really is, in their own tiny little minds.

Nope, looked, no tits on show in the Mail.

Wrong again, you really do make a habit of tis dont you:D
Some years ago the Apple Corp said their machines didn't suffer from viruses /malware etc. This was the red rag to the bull that is virus developers. Still there are people out there that swear Mac's don't suffer these afflictions. They never stop to ask themselves why Apple developed anti virus software for their machines.
The last malware that reared it's ugly head , specifically targetting Macs and rendering them useless,,, Apple Tech help line was inundated with calls from Mac users and how did they respond?? By ignoring it for at least a week and a half, before offering a fix to get these machines back up and running.
At least Microsoft acknowledge the failings of Win XX OS's and come up with fixes as soon as possible.
Possibly a never ending battle with virus developers /hackers all too willing to try and exploit weaknesses in any system.
Whatever your thoughts about these people, I have to admit,, they are bloody clever with computers.
There was an item on the BBC website a few weeks ago about hackers conventions where developers run competitions to see who can hack their latest products the quickest (and offer very good money for doing so) This way they let others find the weakness , so that their developers can tighten security.

Anyway, about hacking,,, Does anyone think there is a hack proof system anywhere in the world?? I don't, and don't think there ever will be until you take humans out of the equation. ;) ;) ;)
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