Consumer unit - no electricity to storage heaters

25 Oct 2020
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United Kingdom
Recently taken back an ex-rental property which has two Hager consumer units. The second one is just for the storage heaters. It has a red main switch on the right, and six black switches on the left.

I have no experience with storage heaters, but as far as I can figure out none of the storage heaters (and three have red indicator lights at the on/off switch spur that don't come on) are getting power. I've checked that the wiring to the spurs is okay.

My guess is that the consumer unit is not delivering electricity. How can I find out what the problem is, and how can I fix it?
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Just leave them turned on overnight and see if they are warm in the morning.
If the tenants changed to a non-Economy 7 tariff and you have a dual-tariff smartmeter or key meter, the E7 output may be turned off by the supplier electronically.
Found out from the meter that the Economy 7 period was 1-8am. At 7am, switched on two storage heaters. Both have red light indicators in the switches that came on. Set both at about the mid-point for input and output. No heat ever came out. And the "low" reading on the meter remains the same. Looks like we need to talk to the electricity provider.
heat wont come out straight away , They load up with heat overnight into usually thermal Bricks and then release the heat throughout the day
So turning on at 7am , i would not have expected heat immediately - and then they turned off within the hour 7am-8am
leave on overnight and see if warm in morning

Both have red light indicators in the switches that came on.
So the power is working , if the lights come on.
They should go out at 8am, if that's the time set on the timer , and showing correct time , ie BST or GMT
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Left one storage heater on overnight. No heat overnight or the next day. The last (red) digit on the meter did move by 2, but that could have been accounted by boiling a kettle at 4am to fill a hot water bottle. Any more thoughts?
Post photos of all the controls, switches, consumer units etc.

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