Council Tax Revaluation

5 Jan 2003
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United Kingdom
Any of you got the letter?

The Valuation Office Ageny is the government agency responsible for assessing the value of all domestic properties and placing them in the appropriate council tax band.

Further down the letter quoted,

If improvements have been made to your property since 1993, which would increase its value into a higher council tax band, current legislation says that the band will not be increased until the property is sold. However, the revaluation exercise will take relevant improvements into account and this will be reflected when it comes into effect from 1st April 2007.

You couldn't make it up, so another word we are going to get money out of you anyway whether you sold it or not :rolleyes: :evil:
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Check 'em out

See what that bu##er down the road is paying ! ;)

Blimey, this is naughty :- LINK
..The charge, brought in on the orders of Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott, will cover loft conversions, conservatories and extra bathrooms. It will also hit householders who have built summerhouses, sheds and swimming pools, as well as those who have converted their front gardens into parking spaces...

The fat controller is pretty determined to extract revenue isn't he?

Will he try to catch the prat who remortgaged to buy that elusive car?

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
, as well as those who have converted their front gardens into parking spaces.

That's a bit of a bu**er, when we recently built an extension we were told by the council that we had to provide off-road parking for 3 cars, which meant converting the front garden!
That link should be advertised more pip.
The bit about council, and renting tennants makes me eyes water.
Council tennants etc will not face rises as they have nothing to benefit. so they can carry on ****ing all their money down the drain and have sky t/v, holidays etc, while householders who have bettered themselves thro hard work, risked losing their property, forsaken holidays and dont go to pub every night will have to scrimp more to pay for these poor tennants who wont even buy batteries for their smoke alarms which are supplied and fitted free round here.
Please note: I was born in a council house and have nothing against tennants YET :!:
I suspect its a ruse by prescott because he knows if tennants face increases they will storm london and face major probs like maggies poll tax riots, so if he places burden on us he knows we'll just muddle on.
Tho I still think it's to do with prescotts ideology that all houses should be stae owned.
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masona said:
Any of you got the letter.
Dure did :mad: Best bit is our consevatory is old and battered, there seems to be no distinction between old and new. so when form is processed our conservatory will class as a major improvement.
That old boghole in the garage seems to count as a bathroom too ffks :mad:

and another thing one day I'll get me head round this quote button :LOL:

Okay, I do it. :LOL: ;)
From pipme's lnk
WINDOW tax was invented in 1696 by King William III, struggling to pay for wars in Ireland and on the continent.

Now stop being unpatriotic, this is merely a tax to fund ***king Tony's war in Iraq.
What if you bought a house which had an indoor lav AND an old outdoor one, and you have removed the outdoor toilet... will you get a reduction in council tax?

And what if are you one of these DIYers who's bodges has reduced the value of your home?
Halifax House Price Index
Since 1984, the Halifax House Price Index has been used extensively by government departments, the media and businesses as an authoritative indicator of house price movements in the UK.
It is based on the largest sample of housing data and provides the longest unbroken series of any similar UK index.

Table-1-CT-ValBands.jpg said:
Table 1 shows the current council tax bands and Halifax estimates of what the new bands might be like. Halifax estimates for all the new bands are based on the 186% rise in English house prices since 1991.
The council tax framework is currently based on band D being treated as 'Standard' and then all other bands are calculated on a pro-rata basis (see final column of table). For example, the council tax bill for a property in band H will be twice that for a property in band D.
What happens if Full House Price Indexation is not Implemented?
New council tax bands were introduced in Wales in April. The bands were set by the Welsh Assembly and increased in a range from a low of 47% (band A) to a high of 83% (bands D and E), which significantly lagged behind Welsh house price inflation of 119% over the valuation period. As a result, it has been claimed that 33% of the 1.3 million properties in Wales moved to a higher valuation band; 8% fell to lower bands and 58% remained in the same band (for example, BBC On-Line: 1 April 2005).
If the government were to follow recent Welsh experience, Halifax calculates that the average English household could be moved to a higher council tax band in 219 (68%) of 320 LAs and in only one (0.3%) LA could the average household be moved to a lower band. Of those potentially liable for an increase, thirteen could see a rise of two bands for the average household. However, 100 LAs would see no change in band for the average household
However, the government has said that revaluation will not be based on the recent Welsh council tax revaluation experience. For example, Nick Raynsford, then local government minister, said: "Any suggestion that the revaluation will be based on the Welsh model is wrong. We have already said it will be revenue neutral." (Sunday Telegraph p1 24/04/05.)

If they use table 1 method, we stay the same ... Cannot see them giving up the chance of increasing revenue tho'.

:mad: :mad: ;)
I got one of these letters today. I'm not sure whether to fill it out - there's nothing in it to say I'm legally obliged. Anyone got an opinion one way or the other?

My flat hasn't been modified since being built.
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