CT / PG difference

18 Oct 2017
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United Kingdom
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Photos as promised...


  • 1.jpg
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Oh well, I suppose it's a case of BIITEOTB


Even when it's 40 quid's worth.
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I don't understand the objective.

Surely two identical FCUs and a matching socket would have been and looked better.
I don't understand the objective. Surely two identical FCUs and a matching socket would have been and looked better.
I would personally have thought so - and (again personally) ideally not that design/appearance, either.

Kind Regards, John
They are level, it’s just the camera picture shows distorted.

Yes, I agree that they would have looked a lot better at the same height and a matching design but that’s how the metal back boxes were previously installed and that was the only design I could find incorporating a FCU/13a combo. Thinking about it, you’re right I could have put in two singles in place of the double....wish I had now!

I needed it as basically the FCU/13a socket is a spur which feeds another spured 13a double socket. It also feeds the FCU on the left which is for the boiler. (If that makes sense!)

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