Dianne Abbot

I've always said that criticise Diane Abbot is like shooting at the Red Cross...
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I've read the word "fruitcake" so many times in this thread, I want some...

Have you got a link to what was said?

Letters, Guardian / Observer.

Racism is black and white​

Tomiwa Owolade claims that Irish, Jewish and Traveller people all suffer from “racism” (“Racism in Britain is not a black and white issue. It’s far more complicated”, Comment). They undoubtedly experience prejudice. This is similar to racism and the two words are often used as if they are interchangeable.

It is true that many types of white people with points of difference, such as redheads, can experience this prejudice. But they are not all their lives subject to racism. In pre-civil rights America, Irish people, Jewish people and Travellers were not required to sit at the back of the bus. In apartheid South Africa, these groups were allowed to vote. And at the height of slavery, there were no white-seeming people manacled on the slave ships.
Diane Abbott
House of Commons, London SW1

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It ruined the Labour Party. Corbyn had a massive issue with the Jewish.
Hitler believed that Jews were genetically 'impure', just like homosexuals, disabled, Gypsies and the like.
Hitler believed that Russians were subhuman, but he didn’t systematically try to wipe every Russian from the face of the earth like he did the Jews.
I can't chose to be black African. But I could convert to Judaism, yes.
I think you'll find you can't become a Jew.
They're borne to it. Others are not admitted. That's why they consider themselves ultra special - which is part of what p's everyone off.

Most groups who tell you they're special have that effect.

Abbot's problem for me has always been that she's thick.
SHe can be analytical, good, but then say something to attract derision unnecessarily.
EG If you're going to quote numbers, get them right, if you're going to mouth off about something sensitive and you've got yourself in trouble before, get someone else to check it. Etc Etc.

Some of the conclusions she reached about the stop and search numbers were childishly pathetic, etc forever.
Shoot her - no loss.
It (Abbots letter) is obviously racist, making some sort of argument that white people cannot experience the same racial discrimination as black people. This is of course nonsense. Black people can be racist, and white people can be victims of racism. "Black Power" attitudes that Abbot seems to have are not the answer to us all getting along together.

For those confused about Jewish, it's sensitive because for Jewish people they are both a race and a religion. The nazis classed you as a Jew by birth, not whether you practices the religion.
I don't think the nazi classifications matter today, do they?

It's just a human group thing imho.
Any identifiable group, tends to think it acquires importance over others.
So it gets arsey about everyone not in the group, and vice versa.

Years ago I was approaching a rural roundabout, in lane 2. Runners were approaching the road from the left out of the countryside. A bloke had his fist out with thumb up as though "you're going to let me cross".
The car in lane 1 stopped early.
I was doing the same speed probably 10-15mph, and I didn't stop. A splatter of indignant runners bounced off the side of my company car - Rover P6 3500 - that long ago.
So I got out and checked everyone was ok etc but they hadn't looked had they, etc and soon they clamoured "but we're runners".
I said something along the lines that it didn't entitle them to dent my car with their bodies, so f off the road.
Then I was rude.
And they f'd off, and it crystallised my view for "entitled" groups. There are rules. Obey them, you aren't special.
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