Dirty War on the NHS ITV 10.45pm Tuesday 17 December

1 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom
Well lets see what happens now to the NHS.

I can't see it lasting now, hooray for paying more in Insurance and getting even less.

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I didn't watch it to the end but very sobering viewing. My conclusions.
America does indeed have a **** system and if you're not extremely wealthy, the outcome is not usually good.
Is the UK following in that direction, possibly, and it started far longer ago than anyone thought.
Conservative Govts err toward 'privatisation', labour govts err toward 'working in partnership with' and 'commissioning', any difference between the two?, No.

Today the Prime Minister will set out plans to give every student nurse an annual bursary of £5,000, to help with living costs, with up to £3,000 more for those in particular areas of need.

Around 35,000 students a year are expected to benefit from the new deal, which will be offered next year to all new students doing nursing and midwifery courses.

The plans are being announced now, in time for applications to university courses next month.

It comes as official figures show the number of nurses and midwives has increased by more than 8,000 in six months, reaching an all-time high of 706,252.

Mr Johnson will say today: “I have heard loud and clear that the priority of the British people is to focus on the NHS – and to make sure this treasured institution has everything it needs to deliver world-class care.

I think all we can do is wait and see.
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In the last 40 years we have had 27yrs of Tory Gov dismantling the NHS vs 13 yrs of Labour. Labour under Blair was the ill thought out PFI.

The Tories 2012 Health Bill was the breaking up of the NHS.

Profit over patients.

Health and education should be publicly delivered, its more cost effective.
I have one or two stories of the NHS ( apart from my wife working 30 years as a nurse ) A chef running the estates dept. in a hospital, gets a crane up on a flat roof on one of the ward blocks - no structural calcs. made - roof collapses. Lorries full of perfectly good furniture binned - because if the money isn't spent in one year , then they don't get enough the next year. An asylum left to rot for 20 years - patrolled for a number of years, probably a mile of Heras fencing round it. Eventually sold for private housing, that goes through a 3rd. party ££. During those 20 years several miles of heavy copper electrical cable is removed from the access tunnels by " persons unknown". The whole system is run by bureauracrats and empire builders. It is a bottomless pit for £ . The only hope is more power to the CQC. And take social care from councils and incorporate in NHS.
I have one or two stories of the NHS ( apart from my wife working 30 years as a nurse ) A chef running the estates dept. in a hospital, gets a crane up on a flat roof on one of the ward blocks - no structural calcs. made - roof collapses. Lorries full of perfectly good furniture binned - because if the money isn't spent in one year , then they don't get enough the next year. An asylum left to rot for 20 years - patrolled for a number of years, probably a mile of Heras fencing round it. Eventually sold for private housing, that goes through a 3rd. party ££. During those 20 years several miles of heavy copper electrical cable is removed from the access tunnels by " persons unknown". The whole system is run by bureauracrats and empire builders. It is a bottomless pit for £ . The only hope is more power to the CQC. And take social care from councils and incorporate in NHS.
How about quoting some of the millions of great things the NHS does on a daily basis..
a bottomless pit for £ .
Correct on that....That is why the way it is funded etc needs radical overhaul.The free at the point of service model..for all. No matter what..is not sustainable.
To some extent we already have a mixed healthcare model.

These days quite a few operations are done by private healthcare companies. A poor person can have their painful gallbladder out in 9 months, or they can pay £6,000 and have it done next week, in the same theatre by the same surgeon (I dont know the cost, thats a guess, before the pedants have a strop).

My father had a cateract done recently -his eyesight is really failing so his waiting time was cut by 3months, but this was achieved by the NHS trust paying for the private cost. Although it was done by the same consultant but in a private wing.
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