do men bother?

Diane2 said: of course ive primped and preened......exfoliated....moisturised....body scrubbed....and checked out the view in the mirror....

No, I doubt that many men would go to such lengths, any more than a peahen would spend hours preening her tail feathers. There's only so much we can do what what nature didn't really give us. :( :( :(

But there's more to this than biology. Might I suggest that you're overdoing it. I accept that few men will look twice at a woman who looks like she's been dragged through a hedge backwards, reeks of gin and tastes like a dirty ashtray. But exfoliating - moisturising - and don't even get me started on make-up! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Yes, everybody should wash and a sex goddess doesn't keep her breasts in a shapeless bag but there's a law of diminishing returns here. All you really need is what nature gave you. :cool: :cool: :cool:
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After next week all you'll have to excite you is the desperate battle to stop the slide. :mrgreen:
Torres is doing well I see, good move he made there. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
A shower and a shave is all the pre-date grooming a man needs.
Any less than this is slobbish, any more and she will mistake you for a friend of Dorothy's.

Oh and fellas always make a tactical WC visit before dates, always.
becasue they don't want to approach a 'situation' with a 'loaded gun'
Where did my post go? :?: :?: :?: The moderation around here is getting out of hand. Let's try again --

trollmaster2000 said:
A shower and a shave is all the pre-date grooming a man needs.

Thanks for the reminder; I forgot about shaving. Come to think of it, I regularly forget about shaving - as our other half will readily testify. :oops: :oops: :oops:

and also said:
they don't want to approach a 'situation' with a 'loaded gun'

That rather depends on the date. ;) ;) ;)
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if a blokes got a chance of a promise,he should turn his y fronts inside out that way there clean.
I have a bath every week if i need it or not.

we have three bath mats, the best one is hers the second best is the ferrets the one with the hole in is mine, I said I would put mine in the bin and use the ferrets and she said no way was i going to use there mat :eek:
merlin50 said:
I have a bath every week if i need it or not.

I have two or three baths a week but that's only because I get to spend an hour in some nice warm water with a can of Carlsberg Special listening to Absolute Classic Rock. :D :D :D The fact that I come out cleaner than I went in is purely incidental. So, to get back to the original post, it's pretty clear from the replies so far that we men are basically slobs - and I'm afraid I must include myself in that category since I haven't shaved for two days. :oops: :oops: :oops:

So what about the other side of the equation? It seems to me that you women have been hoodwinked by clever marketing into parting with shedloads of cash for so-called beauty products that aren't particularly effective and may even be detrimental. :( :( :(

Moisturiser: That's harmless enough I suppose as long as it isn't smelly or slimy. Theres nothing wrong with trying to make your skin feel softer but, unless theres a brand out there with pharmacological properties I don't know about, no moisturiser will give you the temperature rise that comes from increased blood flow or relax the tiny muscles in the dermis. :( :( :(

Exfoliation: No real problem here either unless it also includes hair removal, in which case it's wanton vandalism. :mad: :mad: :mad: Your skin is your largest single piece of sexual equipment and those hairs serve a purpose which I shouldn't have to explain here. If the Borg queen (*) can work it out, so can you! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Makeup: Don't get me started. Too late --

Bella donna is so named because Roman women used it to dilate there pupils. Why? :?: :?: :?: Did it not occur to them that if they were really intent on attracting a mate those pupils would dilate by themselves? Moreover, dilating your pupils to order is a trick you can learn and, unlike atropine, it won't kill you. Show me the real thing and you'll have my full and undivided attention :p :p :p - in fact my drool glands will not respond to anything less - but I've seen drug-induced dilation and it doesn't work. I didn't even notice until the owner of said pupils invited me to take a closer look - and it still didn't work.

Women these days are more inclined to fake the illusion of bigger eyes with face paint - which is equally ineffective but it brings me onto lipstick. Oh the dreaded words when she's going out -- "Got lippy on." So kissing is off the menu for the rest of the night. :cry: :cry: :cry:

And then there's perfume. Now I'm told that nature gave you the only scent you need. :cool: :cool: :cool: Sadly my nostrils can't detect it, even at close quarters - and I do mean close - but they can detect the chemical stench that comes out of most perfume bottles. There are some smells I like: Musk oil, patchouli, leather, leaf mould, seaweed and tomato plants all come to mind but, with the possible exception of a hint of musk oil, I wouldn't want to find any of them on a woman.

I just know I'm flogging a dead horse here so let me pass on one tip: Next time you try out some perfume on your wrist, which I believe is the normal way to do it, don't just smell it; taste it. Then think carefully about where you dab it because getting a mouthful is not a pleasant experience. :eek: :eek: :eek: Fortunately she doesn't use deodorant. Rant over; I need a bath - and a shave. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

(* Start Trek - First Contact)
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