Dogs in lockdown.

27 Feb 2017
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United Kingdom
Pales to insignificance compared to the human suffering I know, but how's your dog coping in these lockdown times? We take our cocker out for a walk each day as part of our excessive routine but she is a very social dog. She's nearly 8 years old now and since she was born, she has been going out every day with a group of other cockers including her Grandfather & Uncle (both recently deceased), mother, sisters, brother and aunt as well as general doggy friends! Only dog owners will understand but I can see that the spring has gone from her step and she is definitely depressed. How’s yours coping?

She's the one taking a treat.


Right now. At this time she would be just leaving the house to go on her walk and be like a coiled spring. :(

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It is difficult.

Weve always taken our dog for a minimum of 2 walks a day, and always one of those early in the morning.

Now we are going on one big walk at lunchtime.

we keep our dog away from other dogs as there is a risk of virus transferring on the fur....i dont know if its a factor or not
I know a lot of neighbourhood doggies and say hello to them while out with the cat. One person said their dog was acting strangely, a bit fed up but the others fine. My cat however, is an extremely nervous little thing and up to now wouldn't go out without me or my partner. It's very busy here normally with the pubs, and that's completely gone, can hear a pin drop! She is loving it and finally behaving like a normal cat, out all day and night, just popping home for grub!
My little Cockapoo has recently got Diabetes I don't kniw if the virus has much to do with it but she isn't the same dog. Not has happy. Yet when she's out she's full of energy and seems alot happier.
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Killing 2 birds with one stone this young girl takes the cat out for some exercise while using it as a face mask.

We've got 2 young Labs, luckily they keep each other company/ occupied.

Still fed up mind!.
Why does the number of dog walks you have done matter?
The law as it stands, AFAIK says nothing about you being restricted to a single walk per day.

As much as we need to stay away from others, our dogs do not understand this and many need the same number of walks or they become a nightmare to deal with.
AFAIK there is no allowance to walk dogs. You are allowed to go out for exercise but the recommendation is that you only go out once per day to limit the chances of passing on or catching the virus. I’m sticking to the recommendations as the nightmare of dealing with an under exercised dog is going to be a lot less than the nightmare of catching the virus and dying alone in a hospital or passing it on to someone you love. Just saying.....
While the legislation doesn't limit the number of times you can go out for exercise the government guidance absolutely does. Its one of the few things it is very clear on.
While the legislation doesn't limit the number of times you can go out for exercise the government guidance absolutely does. Its one of the few things it is very clear on.

But, ultimately, you run the risk of having to discuss your comings-and-goings with Plod.
If you happen to be questioned about your dog-walking, that in itself says plenty about the rozzer.
And, as they say, you can't argue with stupid....
We have had 3 German Shepherds. All trained to crap in our garden. The current one isn't 100% but not far off. There main interest is attention, play and being able to watch what we are doing and some running around in the garden which isn't large. Then from time to time they get a real bound around in a park etc. 2 of them were pre owned problem dogs so always on a training lead if there was anyone else around especially other dogs as they can be a bit rough. ;) The latest one is also on a training lead as well, more just in case but she managed to snap her collar a few weeks ago and I was really glad she just came back to me when called. :) She barks way too much so have had 2plus years so far trying to fix that. Loosing battle, very quiet barks and various noises for a while and then back to normal.

This is a breed that is said to need stacks and stacks of exercise - been there and done that and it doesn't make an iota of difference. :) Also said to be ideal for the retired as they like company - that is true so needs to go with us really where ever we go. ;) We have a crate now that I have reinforced myself for when we need it - not often. She's demolished 2 others just because we were not in the house.
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