Dont get sick

Week before last my elbow swelled up, i saw a locum and was to return tomorow, a few days ago the swelling was in my wrist and it HURTS so i got an appointment today, another locum, i know they have to learn but at 6'2" and 140k i do not resemble a Guinea pig! so he has a quick look, now me i'm sure its osteo arthritis, he gets a senior quack in to have a gander, within 10seconds she diagnoses gout, i have suffered before but thought it was confined to my toes, wrong, any joint, last year my knees were a bit TENDER now i know why, anyone who suffers from gout knows about "trigger foods" one of mine looks like IT IS Scotlands finest export, now what am i to do, if i stop sipping the occaisional dram will Scotland survive or will their exports plumet and push them into a tipple dip recession?
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