'E'asy rider.

2 Feb 2006
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United Kingdom
comparisons have been made recently about the dangers of ecstasy compared to horse riding, and found horse riding more dangerous in terms of lives lost.

sends out the wrong message, don't you think?
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Jeez. Another highly paid professional justifying his wage by spewing out another statistic which is meaningless.

XTC has dangerous long term effects that have yet to emerge in our younger generation. It can and does do lasting damage of a non lethal type. It is a gateway to stronger drugs to counter its effect after use.

Besides you can wear PPE when riding a horse!

I heard another one yesterday on the local news - A quarter billion tons of snow fell yesterday for every person in the UK!!!! F.F.S. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
riding is quite a dangerous sport. you can fall off, land in your head, get kicked, bitten, have a horse land on top of you, or be hit by traffic on roads.

compared to activities chess or angling it has more casualties. I believe spinal injuries are more common in rugby.

but taking recreational drugs is not a physical sport so it is not exactly comparable. I understand the most fatal recreational drug is cigarette smoking.
sends out the wrong message, don't you think?

i dont think so, just because this evidence suggests ecstasy is safer than you thought or doesnt fit your preconceived notions doesnt mean you should suppress it. the fact is if you go out horse riding today or you were to take an ecstasy pill; you'd have a greater chance of dying, horse riding.

this information isnt anything new:
"Ecstasy is a remarkably safe substance, far safer than aspirin. It is far less dangerous than tobacco or alcohol, both of which are freely available."
Richard Brunstrom, chief constable of North Wales

BBC Horizon did a documentary called 'is alcohol worse than ecstasy?' where they took the 20 most popular intoxicants and rated them in from most dangerous to least dangerous based on the danger to the user, the danger to society and its addictiveness.they listed alcohol, tobacco, marijuana all to be more dangerous than ecstasy.

you can watch it here:

id turn your question on its head, if these multiple studdies show that ecstasy isnt as dangerous as once thought, then why is it a class A substance?

Besides you can wear PPE when riding a horse!

you can act responsibly when taking ecstasy. the vast majority of deaths occur when users either dont drink enough water and dehydrate and die from overheating or when they drink far too much water which induces water poisoning and you die from pressure on the brain. if these two causes where addressed the death level would be much lower.

you also made a reference that we dont know how the drug will affect this generation in the futur. thats simply not tru extasy isnt a new drug there have been longterm studies on its use. if you take extasy today, in 6 months your brain will be indistinguishable from someone who hasnt taken ectasy.
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XTC has dangerous long term effects that have yet to emerge in our younger generation.

Really?, ....was never really a fan of XTC anyway... always prefered the sex pistols and motley crue! :LOL:
i'm sure that being involved in ecstasy opens doors to all kinds of wonderful substances. i will bet a pound to a penny that the environment that ecstasy users find themselves in, exposes them to cannabis, amphetamine, cocaine and crack too.

also, complacency regarding other more dangerous substances can arise from blaze comments about one particular drug.
also, complacency regarding other more dangerous substances can arise from blaze comments about one particular drug.

You is certainly on fire this morning Noseall old chap!! :LOL:
the "entry level" drug is ciggies.

it's rare to find a user of anything else that didn't start with fags.

not that they all do, of course.
it wasnt a blasé comment, it was a very deliberate observation. the guy who made this comparison was , the rather unfortunately named, Professor Nutt. Hes the chief advisor of the Home Office's Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs. if anyones got an opinion worth listening to on drugs, surely its him.

i can see how his comments could be misinterpreted but thats only if they are taken out of context.
its not just about fatalities though is it. They all have long term effects that can screw people up.
Any moron who swallows pills, snorts coke or injects heroin deserves what they get.

At least with horse riding, you know the risks. Who knows what is in the substances that you are putting into your body.
its not just about fatalities though is it. They all have long term effects that can screw people up.

your completely right thermo. what author of this paper was trying to highlight by comparing horses to e's was that there just isnt the evidence that ecstasy has these long term detrimental effects on people or on society to justify the stigma attached to the drug. it would be difficult to find a more qualified person to talk on this subject.

by having a relatively safe drug such as ecstasy in the most dangerous bracket makes a mockery of the class grading system. and it detracts from the seriousness of the real dangers of other drugs in that bracket; like heroin, cocaine.
well you feel free to take it, ive seen enough people screwed up by it, many by there own admission
thanks for your permission thermo but i try to stick to the nicotine and alcohol these days. im sorry to here about your friends and im not saying there are no dangers to ecstasy use but they are comparable to risks that people take all the time. everyone knows an alchoholic or someone whos ruined their life threw gambling or maybe someone whose become paralaysed from a horse or motorcycle.
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