EU negotiations: will UK govt reach a deal or not

what do you think: Deal or No Deal

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Post of the week.
It is already happening.

UK businesses that export to EU will lose their customers.
EU businesses are already sourcing new suppliers in the SM

Lots of UK businesses will simply move into the EU.

UK businesses have no opportunity to source alternative suppliers and avoid expensive trade barriers.

So look forward to prices going up next year.
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I wasn't making a slur ;you're just very touchy on the subject, and seeing things that really are not there.

I was however making the point that the 46% and 8% figures are not necessarily directly comparable.
The analogy of weightloss being an example.
It's not how much you lose, but what you lose that is important.
Or in terms of income. Some people can lose 46% of their salary without going broke, others could struggle with an 8% loss.

Post of the week.
It is already happening.

UK businesses that export to EU will lose their customers.
EU businesses are already sourcing new suppliers in the SM

Lots of UK businesses will simply move into the EU.

UK businesses have no opportunity to source alternative suppliers and avoid expensive trade barriers.

So look forward to prices going up next year.
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I wasn't making a slur ;you're just very touchy on the subject, and seeing things that really are not there.

I was however making the point that the 46% and 8% figures are not necessarily directly comparable.
The analogy of weightloss being an example.
It's not how much you lose, but what you lose that is important.

the UK losing 46% of its export market is worse than EU losing 8%

Trade negotiations are decided on the sum of reciprocity....the EU has more leverage, Brexiteers naively think they can isolate one element from another.....which debunks your argument.
the UK losing 46% of its export market is worse than EU losing 8%

Trade negotiations are decided on the sum of reciprocity....the EU has more leverage, Brexiteers naively think they can isolate one element from another.....which debunks your argument.

I'm not arguing.
Rather than rehashing, for the umpteenth time, the Brexit bad Vs Good.

Barnier and Boris both agree that a deal is quite unlikely at this point.

Boris is boxed in, he sold a hard Brexit to win over the Brexit party.....but what he promised can't be delivered.

If Boris thinks a deal is the least worse option, he will not negotiate in good faith until the very last minute and then push any deal he can get through at the last minute, hoping to sell it as a triumph and give no time for scrutiny. That would have to be end of Sept at the latest....David Frost has hinted at that timing.

Boris will give fish away and agree LPF and state aid

Or Boris will allow a no deal, which will create significant chaos, that will be very visible and timed straight after transition end......all very politically damaging

Both options will be pretty bad and will follow on from Furlough ending in Oct.
And an Autumn budget with big tax rises
And possible 2nd wave
voted in a nutter as leader.

Yep was a case of which buffoon to. Vote for :LOL:

Buffoon Johnson or buffoon Corbyn :LOL:

Blimey some choice so I suppose one had to decide which one was the lesser buffoon

Turns out the electorate considered Corbyn the bigger buffon :LOL:

Blimey I recall some dumbo party members in here posting up pictures of the thousands of dead beats and no hopers :LOL: that attended corbyns political rally :LOL:

250000 they or he said :LOL::LOL:

And noseall was probably one of em :LOL::LOL:

Jeez us wept
And than the fool Corbyn turned up at Glastonbury to applause and hero worship as thousands sang his name

Verse after verse of oh Jeremy corbyn :LOL:

What he did not work out was they were all boozed up or bombed out of there eads on drugs :LOL:

They would have cheered a Mongolian goat herder :LOL:

Jeez us wept :LOL:
It is possible for opinions to be expressed without making it personal.

Posters do not have to throw insults at others.

What does it say about posters who cannot do the first without the second?
It is possible for opinions to be expressed without making it personal.

Posters do not have to throw insults at others.

What does it say about posters who cannot do the first without the second?

I agree standards have slipped Tis a disgrace Imho :cool:

It says they are bell e**s ;)
It is possible for opinions to be expressed without making it personal.

Posters do not have to throw insults at others.

What does it say about posters who cannot do the first without the second?

I am of the opinion that you are a b*** **d ;)

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