Evidence found - they've been doing the vaccine injections wrongly?

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It's also not veins or arteries that is in muscle tissue, but blood vessels, which are much smaller and shorter. No trained nurse will accidentally hit a vein or artery when injecting in the deltoid.
That's incorrect. Veins and arteries are blood vessels. For the smaller ones it's pretty random where they go; whether you're near one is a matter of chance. We know it's a small chance, but it's there, according to the people who do it..
Do you have any reference saying it's impossible?
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This whole thread answers that, asking with every other thread discussing the vaccines to on a building/diy forum. A lot of people seem a bit worries about it.
Wanting to discuss something doesn't mean panic. I'm certainly not panicking, but you're here and that indicates panic according to you.

So you're panicking?

If you'd lie to panic more, remember, they aren't trained nursed giving the boosters. The one who did mine didn't know what aspirating was, she'd had very little training.
On the Internet. I read one earlier. Think I shared it here too. Can't remember now.

I saw it as well, when I originally investigated it before it blew up on this forum. I read up on the issue, weighed up the professional opinion, the evidence and based on all of that, discounted it as another silly anti-vaxx rumour.
If you'd lie to panic more, remember, they aren't trained nursed giving the boosters. The one who did mine didn't know what aspirating was, she'd had very little training

all the vaccines I’ve had have been given by GPs in my case.
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It's all idiot proof - hence anti-vaxx. Darwin was right, the anti-vaxxers are dying in their droves.
I know it's only a letter - I answered that.
You didn't, not clearly, you said this. Which implied there was a paper after all. Either by him or about aspiration. Neither of which was correct.
Dig some more. I found what I think they meant (see in the transcript) but the text was only viewable 'by professionals'. I didn't record the link.
But I'm glad we agree now.
DOn't be silly I dion't say there were 781 papers on aspiration. I quoted the source. He's a well published bloke. Period. Nit-picking a straw man of your own creation like that does make you look daft.
Don't be silly, I never said they were about aspiration, the two paragraphs were separate for a reason.
I looked at your source. It isn't 781 papers at all. The 782 you quoted was his publications, but many of the papers published had multiple diagrams and figures which were listed separately.

In short: You don't seem to know what a scientific paper is.
That's for air. Again, nothing whatsoever to do with aspiration, nothing to do with the vaccination material.

Of course it is. Surely you see why. What is the purpose of what started this part of the thread what are they looking for and why.

If you had ever had a blood sample taken badly you'd also know that vines can repair themselves.

Anyway medics often have problems agreeing with each other in some areas especially as they near the top of their profession and become experts. Many fields are similar in that respect.
they aren't trained nursed giving the boosters

Are you sure about that, none of them are trained? Not a single one of the hundreds of thousands of people across the world, giving vaccines, know what they are doing?

The 3 that have vaccinated me all seemed extremely competent.

But, if some still need more convincing that vaccines are safe ....

Blood vessels, (ie not veins or arteries, which are not found in the upper/outer deltoids where injections are given), are smaller than the needle, so it is not possible to accidentally stick the needle into a tiny blood vessel. This part of the body is chosen for intramuscular injections because it is so suitable for them - it's not for the convenience of the person giving the vaccine. Refer back to the diagram I shared earlier.

Anybody here had a BCG injection? Remember that - jabbed in the arm. Every boy in school. We survived.

With regards to increase in heart problems, this was discussed in the thread about athletes having heart attacks - exposure to coronavirus, and long covid, has been shown to cause long-term heart issues. We can't just blame the vaccine, that is saving millions of lives now, for heart issues, when we already know that coronavirus can cause the same problems. Maybe covid cases were higher in the country that was mentioned above (I've forget again, Sweden, Denmark ... ) - there could easily be another explanation for differences in the data.
You didn't, not clearly, you said this. Which implied there was a paper after all. Either by him or about aspiration. Neither of which was correct.
But I'm glad we agree now.Don't be silly, I never said they were about aspiration, the two paragraphs were separate for a reason.
I looked at your source. It isn't 781 papers at all. The 782 you quoted was his publications, but many of the papers published had multiple diagrams and figures which were listed separately.

In short: You don't seem to know what a scientific paper is.
I found a link to the paper with the numbers in - but as I said not open. Can't find it now but I started at the BMJ.
782 or 287 is immaterial. He's a pro who has published a lot, It simply doesn't matter what the actual number is and it's silly to say it does.
He's a pro who has published a lot

Andrew Wakefield published articles too. Now look at him - after being discredited for claiming MMR vaccines are harmful, what does he do now? Oh, yes, he attends anti-vaccine rallies. In 2019 he was still campaigning against "dangerous vaccination practices".

"Mothers must trust their instincts, and the world will be a safer place". When those instincts are fuelled by fake news, you end up with kids dying of measles again, or now, adults dying of covid.
Dig some more.
I really suspect any poster who puts the onus on the reader to find the evidence to support the proponent's theories, of skulduggery.

If the evidence is there, and the proponent has found it, it's a simple matter for the proponent to copy and paste, by any means possible, to present that evidence.
To claim the evidence is there, but the onus is on the protagonist to find, is disingenuous and suggests immediately that the evidence does not exist.
And the proponent is relying on the willingness of the protagonist to expend as much time as is necessary to prove the evidence does not exist.
Are you sure about that, none of them are trained? Not a single one of the hundreds of thousands of people across the world, giving vaccines, know what they are doing?
That's not what I said and you know it. I said they were not all trained nurses. They're taking volunteers and showing them what to do. I saisd that one of the ones who 'did' me hadn't any idea about aspiration.
The 3 that have vaccinated me all seemed extremely competent.

But, if some still need more convincing that vaccines are safe ....

Blood vessels, (ie not veins or arteries, which are not found in the upper/outer deltoids where injections are given), are smaller than the needle, so it is not possible to accidentally stick the needle into a tiny blood vessel. This part of the body is chosen for intramuscular injections because it is so suitable for them - it's not for the convenience of the person giving the vaccine. Refer back to the diagram I shared earlier.
The diagram doesn't have blood vessels. You're incorrect - ask a nurse whether any of their aspirating ever pulled up blood. They'll say yes. You'll also find descriptions about where the aspirating fails even though you're in/near a vein. The pressure inthe liquid is high - you don't have to be neatly puncturing the side of a large vessel. Campbell originally showed a drawing with blood vesels in from Gray's anatomy, and he had another source as well.
Anybody here had a BCG injection? Remember that - jabbed in the arm. Every boy in school. We survived.
Not a particulate vaccine. Irrelevant.
With regards to increase in heart problems, this was discussed in the thread about athletes having heart attacks - exposure to coronavirus, and long covid, has been shown to cause long-term heart issues. We can't just blame the vaccine, that is saving millions of lives now, for heart issues, when we already know that coronavirus can cause the same problems. Maybe covid cases were higher in the country that was mentioned above (I've forget again, Sweden, Denmark ... ) - there could easily be another explanation for differences in the data.
Any vaguely competent scientific work looks at all that. The prof in the talk is saying yes it's all statistically sound. But it wasn't.
I said they were not all trained nurses.

No, you said "remember, they aren't trained nursed giving the boosters"

"showed a drawing with blood vesels in from Gray's anatomy" - while Gray's anatomy was ground-breaking in medicine at the time, I am not sure using a 1858 text (and diagrams) is really sensible in 2021, is it?
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