Extractor Fan

18 Jul 2007
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United Kingdom
I'm replacing the extractor fan in my bathroom, because it's rubbish, and the wiring to it is a bit of a mess.

It's a model with a timer so it will need four core cable, and all connections can be taken from a junction box which feeds my bathroom light.

I was expecting to use 1.0mm or 1.5mm 3-core and earth for wiring the extractor fan direct from the lighting circuit however the rubber gromit for the fan doesn't really look to be large enough to accomodate either cable and looks more suited to a round 4-core flex.

Would it be acceptable to wire it with (appropriately rated) flex to my lighting circuit or should I be using 3-core and earth?
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Either the 3core+earth or 4 core flex would be suitable.

1.0mm or 1.5mm depending on what is already used for the existing lighting circuit.
flameport said:
Either the 3core+earth or 4 core flex would be suitable.
Cool. I wasn't sure whether it was acceptable practice to connect flex onto a ring-main lighting circuit.
flameport said:
1.0mm or 1.5mm depending on what is already used for the existing lighting circuit.
I believe my lighting circuit is 1.5mm twin-and-earth. I assume 0.75mm or 1mm flex would be fine given the circuit is protected by a 5A RCD and both cables are rated higher than 5A? 1.5mm 4 core flex doesn't appear to be available.
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