Floor prep

4 Dec 2003
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United Kingdom
Hi there, I have had some building work done so that now I have some wooden floors and some concrete, all butting up to each other.

I want to lay ceramic/stone in some places, in others I want to lay laminate/hardwood floors.

What prep is required in both cases? I read on here that for laying wood I will need to lay boards down on the floorboards and concrete first so that the absorbency is even throughout. that makes sense, what would i use, would it be 4mm weather board ply? How do I fix it to the concrete?

With tiling presumably I'll end up doing the same as otherwise the levels will be all wrong.

Many thanks.
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depends for me what's going where - if it's tiles on concrete and laminate on wood then just make sure the finished floor levels will be ok.

if not then probably needs plywood putting down to provide a stable surface for the tiles.

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