geberit up320 frame waste bend help

15 Jun 2011
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United Kingdom

im about to install a geberit up320 wc frame with a duravit starck 3 toilet, ive already had the soil pipe dug out and moved to where it needs to be.

question about the fittings supplied with the frame, the bend that goes into the soil pipe clicks onto the frame nicely but i have an issue because im having the basin waste connected to the same bend i went out and purchased a bend that has a screw on bit at the top which i can connect to the basin waste pipe, but this bend is slightly bigger than the the one supplied with the waste and wont click onto the frame. i dont think geberit have a bend with a connector, so i was going to drill a hole in the geberit connector and try to join the basin waste to it.

i read somewhere that the bend thats supplied with the frame is no good apparently its too small and when u flush the toilet it fills the bowl right up before it drains!

should i just bin the geberit bend and use the one i purchased and forget about the click or drill a hole in the geberit bend or an alternative?
could some one please advise, sorry to have gone on so much but im a newbie and dont know too much about this stuff!

thanks for any help and advice given
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hi did not get a reply so i just ended up using the bend with a cap at the top and scrapped the one that came with the frame.

could someone please answer the followin question.

should i use a non return valve just before the flexi that connects to the cistern, if so would i use a a single or double check valve?

should i use a non return valve just before the flexi that connects to the cistern, if so would i use a a single or double check valve?


The float valve and overflow when set up right will create the airgap for prevention of backflow.
Pan con supplied clicks into bottom of frame rail in order to keep everything in alignment , ie: when using wall hung pans that utilise stud fixings through frame into pan , nothing wrong with changing pan con as long as everything fits together at finishing stage.
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thanks for all the replies.

would it be best to fit non return valves before connecting to basin mixer if so would i use single or double check valves?


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