Gloworm Ultimate NOT lighting

17 Nov 2007
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United Kingdom
Hello All - Hope you can help

I have just bought...and moved into a very cold house!

I have a Gloworn Ultimate boiler in the kitchen,

When trying to turn it on, it just clicks, the pilot light does not light.

I think it has been off for at least 6 months - but do not know if it worked properly prior to that.

Having read through the items on the site I have tested to two solenoids under the blue cover, which are both giving me a high resistance.

I am getting 240v to one of them ( the main gas solenoid ) and only the smallest flicker ( a few volts or so ) going to the pilot solenoid.

I have had a look at the PCB, and the signal is the same here so I have eliminated the poss of bad cables. - On the PCB itself only 3 of the 4 lights work, it is the one which is furthest left which does not light.

It is my suspicion that the PCB is at fault...would a replacement solve my problem, or is there something I have missed?

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The ignition lead is prone to shorting on the case. A bit of insulation tape where it passes through the casing usually solves it.

Anything else you should be getting a corgi man in
Can we assume that as it is a new house that hasn't been used for a while, that the gas is turned on?
As there are only 2 soleniods pilot first then main gas when pilot is alight, blocked pilot injector clean using cillit bang, also check gas is turned on to bioler at bioler isolator, can you hear fan plus ignition being generated, as the pilot is on the gas line it needs corgi man
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i have the same problem and the same boiler .and your problem is your electrode igniter. or called thermecoupling
i have the same problem and the same boiler .and your problem is your electrode igniter. or called thermecoupling

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