Hands or brain ?

8 Aug 2011
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United Kingdom
Does anyone agree that these days it is easier to make money by using your brain- rather than your hands ?.
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Everyone has a pair of hands. And unless you're very, VERY good at what you do there's often a machine which can produce your work better and cheaper.

Relatively few can actually think coherently.
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It mat seem easier to make money with your brain but I would rather go home at the end of a working day tired from physical exertion than mental stress. I've done both, believe me, you can keep the stress job!
It mat seem easier to make money with your brain but I would rather go home at the end of a working day tired from physical exertion than mental stress. I've done both, believe me, you can keep the stress job!

Have to agree totally.

Physical tiredness helps us sleep.
I think pick pockets have the highest earnings per hour, pretty useless without hands. ;)
Hands dont make money--real money.
Hands put bacon on the table .

Dentists/Doctors/Surgeons and Vets don't seem to be short of a bob or two using them.

yes but without the knowledge of dentistry / anatomy (human and animal) etc, the money wouldn't be there...
would you pay me the same rate as a surgeon to remove your gall bladder even if I was a concert pianist ( displaying a higher / similar level of manual dexterity but none of the knowledge )?
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