heating not working on my baxi combi instant 80e

no the timer is a small white plastic box on the wall next to the boiler with a fused on off switch between the box+boiler
Cheapskate installer left the old timer when he flung the boiler on the wall. Tight git.
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Is the hot water neon on even when there is no hot water demand?, microswitches stick on this model alot and the heat won't fire up if there is a hot water demand.
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these are all the lights that r on none flashing after ive reset the boiler everything fires up pilot light comes on just heating does not work
Go to the boiler mate and look for a white box under or near to the boiler, this is the relay unit for the CM67 programmable timeclock that you have, on that box will be either a red light or a green light if it's a red light press the reset button on the box and your boiler boiler should fire if it's a green light try the reset button and see what happens and get back to us :)
is that an old one :?:

according to the bumph ive got the cm 67 is a programmable room stat :confused:

Yes it's the old one and it is a programmable RS however the relay is the same as the CM927, I've had the old one and currently have the new one and have fitted loads of them.

Red light on means that the stat ain't speaking with the relay so a reset usually sorts it or the batteries may be gubbed, green light on usually means that both of them are speaking to each other but there may still be a communicating problem or the boiler's faulty.

No light on when there is a flame symbol on the stat (which there is in the photo) requires a reset or the stat turned of and on, so that the two of them are communicating again or else the stat could be gubbed in which case a reset brings on the green light and usually fires the boiler but the stat does nothing and running hot water usually means you had to do a reset again.


british gas just called to work on my gas meter and he told me the pumps knackered took front panel off unscrewed a disc off front o pump stuck a small screwdriver in a said its not spinning does this sound right ? he says put a new pump on an the heating should fire up
british gas just called to work on my gas meter and he told me the pumps knackered took front panel off unscrewed a disc off front o pump stuck a small screwdriver in a said its not spinning does this sound right ? he says put a new pump on an the heating should fire up

No your hot water is working so the pump is ok. Try the reset on the relay (see above).
Programmable roomstat right next to boiler, this in itself is not very clever.
The timer function is never used.
The stat as it is sitting next to the boiler is not very likely to do what it is designed to do.
So the cm67 might as well not have been there as it is doing the same as the on/off switch for the heating.

It all has the smell of something that has never worked properly, and has now died completely.
Programmable roomstat right next to boiler, this in itself is not very clever.
The timer function is never used.


I never use the timer function either mate, always off or on manual with the stat set about 22C.

The OP could easily remove the stat, it just lifts out of it's bracket and there is a supplied stand that comes with it so he could take about the house with him which is what I do. It lives on the hall table in my house when it's off and comes into the living room with me and the wife when it's on.
I know that some never use the timer.
I know that some never use the thermostat.
It is the fact that the sensor of a wireless unit is mounted right next to the boiler where it won't work properly, AND the fact that the timer is not used.
The combination of the single factors is what makes me suspicious, as well as the choice of position of the sensor; it gives me the idea of a builder doing a heating job.
is that an old one :?:

according to the bumph ive got the cm 67 is a programmable room stat :confused:

Yes it's the old one and it is a programmable RS however the relay is the same as the CM927, I've had the old one and currently have the new one and have fitted loads of them.

Red light on means that the stat ain't speaking with the relay so a reset usually sorts it or the batteries may be gubbed, green light on usually means that both of them are speaking to each other but there may still be a communicating problem or the boiler's faulty.

No light on when there is a flame symbol on the stat (which there is in the photo) requires a reset or the stat turned of and on, so that the two of them are communicating again or else the stat could be gubbed in which case a reset brings on the green light and usually fires the boiler but the stat does nothing and running hot water usually means you had to do a reset again.



i stand educated :D

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