How the hell can army barracks be wrong !

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Those sneaking in on the boats are more likely hiding in some farm outbuilding or factory basement.

In which case how can the govt quote figures of around 700 in the last 5 days arriving in dinghies. If they were hiding in farm outbuildings or factory basements, surely the number would be closer to zero.

The fact is most of them aren't 'sneaking in', they're entering our waters to force a rescue.

Either way, I'm sure the temporary accommodation is more than adequate.

If you're so concerned, why not take a leaf out of Gary Linekers book and put a few up.
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The fact is most of them aren't 'sneaking in',

that isn't what Nigel Farage was reporting from the beaches of Kent. He spoke to people who told him they all run off in the night and disappear.

Or maybe he was just making it up?
that isn't what Nigel Farage was reporting from the beaches of Kent. He spoke to people who told him they all run off in the night and disappear.

Or maybe he was just making it up?

I wasn't quoting Nigel Farage I was quoting the Government. Anyway, concerned citizen, how many are you going to accommodate?
Well wake up sunshine easy enough to cut brambles back, man up.

So you don't think army barracks here are better than the calais jungle the French provided ...... have you seen what the French provide ?

These illegals are making it difficult for the ones who try and use the correct procedures to claim asylum.

Illegal says it all, travelling across all of Europe's safe environs just to get here.....tell me why obviously you must know ....
You bang on and on and on about being proud of this country.

Id find it a lot easier to be proud if you ****ed off to another one.
Duping Britain First's finest was never going to be that intellectually demanding was it?
Bit of a bummer for the people who were in the hotels though.

Shame they didnt get duped into storming places like the Dorchester - they might have had some interesting encounters with some close protection experts...
What kind of poxy system allows someone to come in illegally then make a claim (at your host's cost) that their free housing is not good enough and then get paid thousands of pounds.
One easily fixed by not putting them in sub-standard housing.

Now a question for you - what kind of poxy excuse for a civilised and compassionate person thinks like you?
As far as I'm concerned the government are right about this.
An unsurprising opinion, given how wrong you are about almost everything (or maybe just everything) where being civilised is involved.
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