i'm a stupid cow "get me out of here"

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Most "celebrities" are so Mollycoddled by the production crews that if you shouted boo to them they'd cry!
They really don't live in the real world you and i live in.
If producers spent less time boosting their egos and their pay packets then better quality programs(both content and technically) could be produced instead of the Cr*p we see on the box these days!
i am assuming they pick people who havent watched the previous series otherwise how could they be so nieve about what is going to happen
i also there agents dont have a tv and cant read :D :D ;)

and most off al wasnt she selfish if im awake 6 timesat night im going to do it with as much fuss as posible so nobody else gets any sleep
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All about dosh boys !! The bladdy 'phone in' business has to be the best way of financing a prog yet !! I wonder just what the net cost of the prog really is ? Could be a net profit ? which then leads to more of the same via the balance sheet, financed directly by the audience, so the art is in stirring up the audience such that they phone in ... Richard and Judy have a phone in for the virtual give away quiz prize of £6 or £7k .... I guess their cut in the phone call costs, more than cover the 'prize' and contributes to o/a prog costs.
Never mind the quality ... Feel the width !!
Oh, I wondered what this thread was about. I presume you are talking about "I'm an (alleged) celebrity, get me out of here."

I never knew there was such a thing as "z-list" celebrities until I watched it, once, because someone else was watching it.

I always thought a celebrity was someone who, if identified on the street, people would ask for autographs. I really can't imagine that happening for any of the gimps on that programme. With the exception of Johnny Rotten, although he has apparently changed his name by deedpoll to "Leyden". ;)

Perhaps we could introduce a new EU law: "Being on TV, especially Big Brother, does not by itself qualify one as being a celebrity." Didn't Jade Goodyear call her baby "B.J." or something equally crass, just to get some column inches in the tabloids? :confused: She probably thinks that's how he was conceived...

Looking at the cover of "OK" in the supermarket queue last week, the front page was all about Jordan and that guy with the silicon implants with headlines of "We want a Disney wedding, not a pathetic one like Posh and Becks", and "We'll stay married forever, providing Peter keeps it in his pants". I thought the last one was perhaps an attempt at irony: "we'll stay married forever", as if anyone ever says "Right, we'll be married for 20 years, then you will discover me in bed with the au-pair and we will get divorced. You will then keep the house and kids, I will buy a sportscar". :rolleyes:
I don't know whether Jordan and Ribs will stay together for long but if they have a child it certainly won't go hungry!! :LOL:
kendor said:
I don't know whether Jordan and Ribs will stay together for long but if they have a child it certainly won't go hungry!! :LOL:

Do you reckon silicone will come out of them, like mastic?

A real-life vinegar t*ts!
Qualifications for entry:

1, Washed up has been
2, Have been in rehab for addiction to class A drugs or alcohol
3, Have sold your story to a paper/magazine which most people have read and then critisise you for selling you story... :rolleyes:

BTW, I hate to admit it, but I like these programmes!

I've always quite fancied Sophie Anderton... :p Let's just hope that she doesn't turn into a knob and ruin it for me! (a reformed coke addict tho... :confused: See qualification No 2)
reformed coke addict

That story doesn't seem to have got to everyone though. I was having a conversation first thing with a girl who told me that she'd just heard on the radio that this woman spent £1000 per week on coke. "You'd have thought that she could have gone to Somerfields and saved a bit of money by buying their own brand wouldn't you?" :eek:

Dear of her. :LOL:
mildmanneredjanitor said:
I hate to admit it, but I like these programmes!

We all need to boost our egos from time to time, what better way than watching the desperate attempts of "washed up has-beens" to absorb a few photons from a rather dim limelight?

It's a bit like when you find out the guy who bullied you back at school is in prison or broke and miserable. You shake your head and feel sorry for them, but at the same time you can't help but wonder if they deserved it.

May I be the first to coin the expression "Andre the Giant", in reference to the future Katie/Jordan Andre's large bosoms or pregnant middle? :LOL:
I suppose when one sees and is involved in making loadsa dosh for next to sfa then it must turn ones head, washing Jordan's churns :eek: will beat crawling around under floorboards, for me anyway ? .. argue with that then !!
Some of these people are amassing huge piles of folding stuff .. be it right or wrong !! .... They aren't necessarily doing what they want to do, more, that which is expected .... then laughing all the way to the Bank !!
Media it seems is awash wiv dosh !!
I have to agree about the oft-misused term "Celebrity". Just because somebody was once on the TV/catwalk/married to somebody famous/managed somebody famous does not mean automatic celebrity status.

Any 'proper' celeb (take your pick - I would include the likes of Clint Eastwood, Madonna, Sirs Elton and Cliff etc. - not all my personal cup of tea but undoubted proper celebrities) would not be seen dead on such a programme, hence the desperate semi-famous people in need of an exposure/profile boost who appear from time to time.

To make matters worse, the phrase uttered when things get too much for them "I'm a celebrity, get me out of here" makes me cringe every time. Who was that bloke last night who was apparently having his gonads chewed by a microscopic insect? What a (previously unheard of) wuss.
Where are the insect rights campaigners when you want them?
Such cruelty as has never been seen, poor bug must have had a real fright seeing such things no wonder he bit! :)
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