It’s stunning!

Choosing to be cruel when it's simpler not to be is not cricket. However, the whole meat production process is governed by demand and economics. Employees have neither the time or the wish to lose their job to be able stroke the animals fur as he slowly passes on.

Your emotions are blurring the lines between pets and livestock
That's the point of this post isn't it? Being cruel when there's no need. If Muslims are allowed to eat meat that has been stunned, then why not stun them all? The UK law IS to stun after all. So you agree when those 20% of abattoirs than are not stunning by Muslims are 'not cricket' then? And all the Kosher abattoirs?
Yes, the whole meat process is governed by demand and this country it is also law not to cause suffering. This suffering happens, not only at the hands of the more religious, but at the UK's own abattoirs too, those that break the rules.

Your comment of stroking an animal is patronising, so was your grown up comment and my blurring the lines. I think I shall leave this now until you hear what am saying, understand what goes on in the meat industry properly and then perhaps you may be more interesting to converse with. Just for the record, I think if my crime in your eyes is to care too much, then I'll take it. It's better than being unfeeling or burying my head in the sand.
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It isn't quite as easy as saying stunned animals are killed humanely and non-stunned animals are not:
The Scientific Veterinary Committee of the European Commission says that personnel involved in handling, stunning and slaughtering animals should be trained on a periodical basis. This advice has been ignored. The MHS animal welfare survey in 1998 revealed that 30% of red meat slaughterhouses and 50% of poultry slaughterhouses have little or no formal staff training in animal welfare. ............slaughterhouses are still paying their staff according to the number of animals killed in a day. The Farm Animal Welfare Council says that this practice is not in the interests of the individual animal. .........However, gas mixtures do not kill instantly and can cause great distress if they contain carbon dioxide. The Scientific Veterinary Committee of the EU say that when electricity is used , animals do not always lose consciousness and can therefore suffer a 'potentially painful' cardiac arrest.............The EU Scientific Veterinary Committee estimate that around 5 to 10% of cattle are not stunned effectively with the captive bolt - or up to 230,000 animals a year. These animals experience the pain of being shot in the head and will either be stunned again (a difficult procedure) or continue on for knifing whilst conscious...................etc, etc.
The way animals are treated is in many cases a disgrace.

The worst imho is the fur trade. Than there are the Chinese who eat cats & dogs , were they take the dog home & beat it to death.

lobsters are boiled alive.

Than there is animal cruelty for entertainment ? Spain & some other counties with there Bull fighting. fox hunting in the U.K

Bears that fight with dogs in Pakistan (amongst some), they pull the Bears claws out or trim em down ?

Bull riding/rodeo in the States , ever wondered why or how them Bulls jump around ?? there in agony as there is a rope pulled tight around there balls !!!
If there was not the bull would probably not give a s**t about some one on there back
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Pigs in the UK are mostly gassed with carbon dioxide. Because its cheap.
Its similar to choking them to death with a garrot and takes nearly a minute during which the animal will thrash about violently.
What the RSPCA say:

  • The level of restraint of conscious animals required for slaughter without pre-stunning was far greater than for conventional slaughter.
  • A large cut made across the neck of a conscious animal would “result in very significant pain and distress” before the animal loses consciousness (around 5 to 7 seconds for sheep, 22 to 40 seconds for adult cattle).
  • “Slaughter without pre-stunning is unacceptable and that the Government should repeal the current exemption”.
What is the RSPCA doing?
We’re pressing for law changes to improve animal welfare at slaughter. Until this occurs, we propose:

  • UK Jewish and Muslim communities review their slaughter practices
  • Meat produced from animals not stunned before slaughter should be clearly labelled to allow consumer choice.
It's better than being unfeeling or burying my head in the sand.
Is it?
I think I shall leave this now until you hear what am saying

A lot of people who do not have compassion for animals have plenty of compassion for children. They understand that like many animals, children are defenceless and innocent, and if you are having a hard time convincing someone to show compassion towards animals, they may be convinced that by teaching children how to be compassionate is beneficial to the children and animals alike.
Pigs in the UK are mostly gassed with carbon dioxide. Because its cheap.
I don't know if that is true or not but it would be asphyxiation.

"According to the U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board, in humans, "breathing an oxygen deficient atmosphere can have serious and immediate effects, including unconsciousness after only one or two breaths"".

I believe the same with nitrogen is supposed to be very pleasant as it makes you happy at the same time.
It can't cost more than carbon dioxide, surely. There's a fair bit of it about.
Its true..

Well it must be its in the Dm. LoL.

I worked in a large UK pig processing factory and that is the method used.
I'm afraid I cannot verify it with credible evidence other than meeting up with you and I can escort you direct to slaughter facility where you can witness the process first hand.
They claim 30 seconds but its longer than that.
It's better than being unfeeling or burying my head in the sand.
Is it?
I think I shall leave this now until you hear what am saying

A lot of people who do not have compassion for animals have plenty of compassion for children. They understand that like many animals, children are defenceless and innocent, and if you are having a hard time convincing someone to show compassion towards animals, they may be convinced that by teaching children how to be compassionate is beneficial to the children and animals alike.
I'd like to think so, esp your last sentence, but don't kids learn from their parents their bad bits too?
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It's easy and a mistake to think of them as dumb animals, in the above article one animal that saw what was happening realised it was going to suffer the same fate and fainted out of fear. Personally I couldn't watch the videos.

There's a fair bit of research now which shows animals have a thought process and can work things out, there's no excuse for cruelty in a slaughterhouse. Be it for economic expediency or whatever, no excuse for cruelty period. Animals should not be able to see what their fate is going to be.

If you need clarification of this point you should read ' The slaughter of the innocent ' There's an account of monkeys being strapped in to car seats and on tracks and then been catapulted in to walls to see the effects of car crashes on humans, one mother monkey realised what was happening and killed her offspring.

I wouldn't recommend you read the book if you're a caring compassionate person not only is it harrowing you'll be outraged, you don't hear of them much now but I can understand why people joined ALF
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