Jab for a Job...

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23 May 2004
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United Kingdom
As predicted, despite the concept being continually poo pooed...

"Major City firms will start using digital health passports from next month as part of an ambitious plan to get staff back to offices.
Covid-19 testing firm Prenetics has signed deals with around 100 companies – including investment banks based at Canary Wharf in London – to help get staff back to work safely.
Employees using its Digital Health Passport will download an app onto their mobile phone, which will store results of their Covid tests and vaccine certificates when they have had their jabs."

Prenetics. A HK based company partly funded by Chinese companies and authorised by the UK government...

Eight other companies are also being funded by the UK government to 'research' health passports despite a denial that they are being considered...

The usual smoke and mirrors approach so that populations will effectively be forced to 'take the jab'...

I wonder how long it will be before a health passport is required to go shopping?

Or to 'verify' your 'status' on demand when 'out and about'?

The digital version of a yellow star if you fail to comply!

And once implemented, people will then have to go along with whatever the governments of the day 'proscribe'...

1984 is just around the corner!
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Yep, that’ll only be a problem for the jab cowards. I don’t have a problem with that. Funny how some will complain about their rights to privacy and don’t want to have to show, for example, that they are eligible for national health treatment or in this proposed case, prove that they are safe to be around your fellow human beings but will gladly show all sorts of I.D. to be able to drop off rubbish at the local recycling centre! I'd go further - they should make it compulsory for you to be proved safe to be able to come into the U.K. - we do it for dogs so why not humans with something so easily transferable? I certainly wouldn’t be bothered if I had to prove I was jabbed to get into another country. I remember having to have a TB test before I could get a job in South Africa in 1981. Roll your sleeve up citizen Lal. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
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Yep, that’ll only be a problem for the jab cowards. I don’t have a problem with that.
The only cowards around are those who don't have the balls to question what is going on...

But then the members of the 'bridge' were castrated long ago!

I certainly wouldn’t be bothered if I had to prove I was jabbed to get into another country.
How about going to a supermarket or a pub in the UK?

"The government was facing more confusion over 'vaccine passports' today after Dominic Raab suggested they could be needed to get into pubs and supermarkets in the UK.
The Foreign Secretary appeared to contradict a series of other government statements as he said the idea was 'under consideration'."

So will a cowardly member of the 'bridge' (aka mottie) comply with that requirement should it be brought in?

Yes or no?
Transam could not give a jot tbh

if push comes to shove and due to public health issues any one who does not take the jab will be forced to have it

held down and get the jab in the arris

any foreigner who refuses gets slung out the country send em to France or were ever

any one on benefits who refuses has there benefits stopped
I'm happy to have the jab, and I'm happy with the health passports thingy your rattling on about.

The truth is since this covid caper started I've never been so well, all I need now is the ability to see family and friends and I'm happy.

So if this makes society a cleaner place to be around then I'm all for it.
Slightly OT however from my perspective, the slightly disappointing thing is I suspect all the 'new way of working' mantras that were being spoken of when this first started will probably fall by the wayside. For those companies where having staff working from home has been relatively issue free with the bottom line unaffected, it will be a shame if things pretty much revert 100% to full on 9-5 Mon-Fri office working, with some having to face long commutes etc once more. If trying to look for any positives out of this, I had thought greater acceptance of home working might have been something, as I say for those where it's viable which obviously isn't everyone.

Tbh I'm not completely sure how I feel about this covid passport thing.
How about going to a supermarket or a pub in the UK?

"The government was facing more confusion over 'vaccine passports' today after Dominic Raab suggested they could be needed to get into pubs and supermarkets in the UK.
The Foreign Secretary appeared to contradict a series of other government statements as he said the idea was 'under consideration'."

So will a cowardly member of the 'bridge' (aka mottie) comply with that requirement should it be brought in?

Yes or no?

Yes. Absolutely no problem at all. In fact ANYWHERE I am likely to catch it from people - shops, shopping malls, supermarkets, pubs, planes, trains, busses, ferries, theatres, cinemas, exhibitions etc etc should make it a requirement for those entering to have a certificate of vaccination to be able to enter. It's laughable that a coward such as yourself thinks you should have the right to enter such places unvaccinated but wouldn’t dream of entering them smoking a cigarette or eating a bag of chips for fear of offending others!

I also think that all front line medical staff should be vaccinated and if they refuse, they should be relegated to non patient facing duties to protect the public. Talking of that, have your two medic sons had their jabs yet? Yes or no?
For those companies where having staff working from home has been relatively issue free with the bottom line unaffected, it will be a shame if things pretty much revert 100% to full on 9-5 Mon-Fri office working, with some having to face long commutes etc once more. If trying to look for any positives out of this, I had thought greater acceptance of home working might have been something, as I say for those where it's viable which obviously isn't everyone.

I don't know about that - some of us on here are managing to do lots of very sucessfull fixes and repairs remotely, whilst sat at home on a laptop. :)
Low uptake of the jab amongst
Black and other ethnic groups

working in health care :confused:
And hospitals :confused:

jeez us wept
Good thing too. If you get offered a covid vaccine and refuse, then accept that society will from now on consider you an outcast. Get under your rock and stay there, we don't want your germs to kill our loved ones. Thank you!
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