Jehovah's Witnesses

I recieved a blood transfusion 30 years ago which saved my life.

I don't really like people who are so weak willed they would have let me die just because some fairy tale tells them to.
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I recieved a blood transfusion 30 years ago which saved my life.

I don't really like people who are so weak willed they would have let me die just because some fairy tale tells them to.

Good job an all, we would have missed all your funny posts! :LOL:

Strictly speaking, most religious people do not always follow their religious commitments seriously and may divert for their own interest, so when JW claims that they do not accept blood transfusion, many would go for it regardless, each to their own, end of the day one's life is more precious to one, a drowning or a sinking man will even try to hold on a very thin branch or even a leaf to survive!
I recieved a blood transfusion 30 years ago which saved my life.

I don't really like people who are so weak willed they would have let me die just because some fairy tale tells them to.

Good job an all, we would have missed all your funny posts! :LOL:

Strictly speaking, most religious people do not always follow their religious commitments seriously and may divert for their own interest, so when JW claims that they do not accept blood transfusion, many would go for it regardless, each to their own, end of the day one's life is more precious to one, a drowning or a sinking man will even try to hold on a very thin branch or even a leaf to survive!

I'm sure you're right. Much easier, perhaps, for a JW parent to make such a decision for their sick child. :eek:
Of course, there have been instances of high courts over-ruling Jehovah's Witnesses' beliefs when the lives of their children are being put in jeopardy by those beliefs. A decision I wholeheartedly agree with. I do believe it is high time that certain backward religions drag themselves into the 21st century, at least in this country.

In that respect, it seems that my argument is not so invalid or ignorant after all.

Except your argument was not aimed at us, or the courts, but at "them".

and so in that respect, it is invalid and ignorant.
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Ah, I love it , nothing like a bit of religion to get peoples dander up, if it iss a religion of course and some people wold question that I suspect. :?:
When will you guys realise that there is a difference between "Conflict of Interest" and "Conflict of Value". (There is a further possible "conflict" not relevant here: that of "Conflict of Commitment", unless one thinks about conflict of commitment in terms of "commitment to the health of one's child" versus the "commitment to one's religious beliefs".)

A conflict of interest allows a compromise, with a suitable financial settlement. E.g. the despoiling of a scenic view. Eventually those that have been deprived of the view will accept a monetary value, in order to compensate them for their loss.

Whereas a conflict of value has no possible compromise. The opposing views are sacrosanct to the holder and defines their belief systems. For example, religion, politics, maybe even sporting heroes.
There is no possible monetary value that would make a believer become an atheist, or vice-versa.
Ah, I love it , nothing like a bit of religion to get peoples dander up, if it iss a religion of course and some people wold question that I suspect. :?:

I apologise for Aron. He does tend to get worked up sometimes. He's probably calmed down now, though. :mrgreen:
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