Keep losing internet connection

6 Dec 2007
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United Kingdom
I had to reformat my hard drive and reinstall everything a little while ago.

Dunno if it's coincidence or not but since then, I keep losing my internet connection.

If I've got multiple browser windows open, I'll suddenly get the "cannot connect to server/timed out" message. If I close all the windows then immediately reopen one, it comes up no problem.

I normally use Firefox but it does it in IE as well.

If I'm using uTorrent, it doesn't appear to be affected by this at all (not that I know that much about uTorrent, but downloads will continue and ports are still open).

I've checked and reset all the router settings.

I've phone my ISP and spent over a tenner trying to break the language barrier with a guy that told me to switch it all off and back on again (like I hadn't already tried that) then hung up on me!

It's getting rather frustrating to say in the least.

Actually no, it's driving me mad.

Anybody got any ideas of what could be the problem?
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I had to reformat my hard drive and reinstall everything a little while ago.
What was the original problem?

I've checked and reset all the router settings.
Which router is it, and what did you change?

Anybody got any ideas of what could be the problem?
Yes. It could be your network adapter, or your network infrastructure, or your router, or its modem, or a microfilter, or your telephone wiring inside the house, or your telephone wiring outside the house, or the platform at the exchange, or your ISP's router.

When you say "losing connection", how have you come to that conclusion?

When the connection is "lost", can you still ping the router?
What was the original problem?

I ran a registry cleaner and for the first time ever, didn't do a backup first and that was the one time that I totally killed my registry. I couldn't get two or three applications to work - I couldn't run them, couldn't uninstall them, couldn't reinstall them and I didn't know how else to fix it so I just reformatted and started from scratch.

Which router is it, and what did you change?

It's an eTec PTi-845. I reset it and made sure that my port forwarding settings were OK and not likely to be causing a problem. That's about the limit of my knowledge of the router.

Yes. It could be your network adapter, or your network infrastructure, or your router, or its modem, or a microfilter, or your telephone wiring inside the house, or your telephone wiring outside the house, or the platform at the exchange, or your ISP's router.

When you say "losing connection", how have you come to that conclusion?

Because if I try to open a web page, I'm just getting the "Unable to connect Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at www.*****.**.uk. The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few moments. If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer's network connection. (Firefox) and on IE it's the "The page cannot be displayed. The page you are looking for is currently unavailable. The Web site might be experiencing technical difficulties, or you may need to adjust your browser settings. "

The only way I can get a page back up is by closing down all the pages that I have open and then reopening them.

When the connection is "lost", can you still ping the router?

Sorry, this is where the extent of my router knowledge ends - what does that mean? :oops:

I've never had a problem with it before and I can't think that I've forgotten to do anything or install something when I reinstalled everything.
As soon as you get the browser 'page not found' problem, do this:

1. Open a DOS window (Start, Run, "cmd", OK).
2. Type ping, then <space>, then <the IP address of your router>, then <enter>.
3. Type ping, then <enter>.

Please post the results here.

If you don't know the IP address of your router, then type "ipconfig /all" in the DOS window and look the for gateway address. It will probably start with "192.168." and end with ".1).
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Thank you, I'll do that next time it happens. Wait and see, it'll not happen for ages now, even though it's been doing it all too often.
You might want to do it now, in preparation, so that you can ask questions if the instructions aren't clear enough.
Great minds and all that. I went through the procedure as soon as I read your post! :LOL:

And it still hasn't went wonky since. :rolleyes:
As long as it's got a reliable internet connection, I'll go anywhere!! :LOL: :LOL:
I have a friend in Dundee, called Andy. Do you know him? :D
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