
12 Nov 2005
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United Kingdom
A lot of complete rubbish goes through my head, mostly I ignore it but now i've decided to post it.

This is a medical question. Let's say you drink a cup of tea and the liquid is completely surplus to requirements. How long does it take for the kidney to get it out of your blood stream and into your bladder.
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Can't be surplus,
Otherwise when I am at work I would be ****ing all day and my urine would look like tea with milk and one sugar.
Anyway if youare that bored drink 10 cups of tea straight off and time the 10th one from start to finish :)

YOU do know some kind soul is going to spend a hour or two on the computer trying to find the answer for you
There are too many factors involved to give a definitive answer.

It all depends on perspiration, exhaled moisture, and the liquid present in moist food, as well as how much you usually drink.

At extremes of climate and exertion no urine is passed at all - once, in the course of a five hour walk, I drank six litres of water and yet didn't have (or need to have) one single wee; then I briefly collapsed from mild heat exhaustion.
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joe-90 said:
Did you have diarrhea instead?
No [diarrhoea]. My trekking buddy also drank exactly six litres and also had no wee whatsoever; he also nearly passed out, but he could stand up and I couldn't.

We had an evening meal, a good night's sleep and then a perfectly normal bowel movement the next day, although I was quite tired for 24 hours. I never thought I could sweat so much in so short a time.
I know you drank water on your wa;lk, which is good, but generally tea is bad (if you drink large quantities) for one big reason:

It is diuretic. That basically means that it removes water from your other words, if you drink enough tea, the liquid that leaves your body exceeds that which entered.
so if you sweat enough, your dont need to wee as often . . . but what about the waste products from the kidneys (from all that rubbish you been drinking)? surely they have to go somewhere? what happens then? i'm almost certain there is no link between the kidneys and the rectum.
Softus said:
joe-90 said:
Did you have diarrhea instead?
No [diarrhoea]. My trekking buddy also drank exactly six litres and also had no wee whatsoever; he also nearly passed out, but he could stand up and I couldn't.

We had an evening meal, a good night's sleep and then a perfectly normal bowel movement the next day, although I was quite tired for 24 hours. I never thought I could sweat so much in so short a time.

It's an optional spelling.
No. It's the US spelling. I thought you & your alter-ego Slagger were both anti-US?
securespark said:
So, you ARE anti-US, then?

What planet are you on? I didn't know how to spell it and that was the only spelling I could find. If that makes me anti-US - then so be it. Shoot me.
Shoot you, no. Shoot you down, yes. I've done that on the other thread!:cool:
pickles said:
Let's say you drink a cup of tea and the liquid is completely surplus to requirements. How long does it take for the kidney to get it out of your blood stream and into your bladder.

I think you'll find the oesophagus is not directly connected to the bloodstream. And I don't think you'll ever have a cup of tea flowing around your blood vessels.
Mrs Doyle: "and what does father jack say to a lovely cup of tea?"

Father Jack: "feck off cup!"

sorry, that just came to mind then when the image of cups of tea flowing around my blood vessels came into my mind. :LOL:
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