Latest news on George Michael (joke)

1 Jun 2004
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United Kingdom
First day in prison and George Michael has been found with a chocolate bar up his bum.....
A prison spokesman said someone had been careless with a wispa!
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I heard he was settling down to prison life quite well with a skinhead cellmate. He's already wrote a song called Hairless Fister. ;) ;) ;) ;)
Keep up lads those are old hat now we have a papal visit for text jokes now/

Pope gets shot and as they are wheeling him through to the operating theatre he wakes up and whispers to the nurse " Am i in heaven"
Nurse says "no we are just taking a short cut through the childrens ward"
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It was OK but I first heard it 40 years ago.
oh joe, you're supposed to play along and say "what joke? I don't remember youe sending me a joke.."....
What have George Michael and the Chilean miners got in common?

They will be free in 8 weeks after some very heavy drilling! :D
Or they are both expecting there hole to get a lot bigger over the next few weeks
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