Life's Mysteries.

Part of the problem with animal poop is that it can transmit disease.
Sure, I take the point that broken glass can be injurious too.
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When I was young dog owners let their animals poo on the pavement. end of.

People growing poo-fruit on trees is at least a step forward.
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Part of the problem with animal poop is that it can transmit disease.
Sure, I take the point that broken glass can be injurious too.
Glass does not stink to fekin high heaven on your shoe,,,or spread diseas e,as you say.
I have 2 big dogs and yes I have trained them to poop on command. Although they will poop when they think they need to poop, one will do it anywhere she wants to (but generally waits until we get to the park) and the other will only do it on grass coz he's a softy (GSD).
It is always picked up and disposed of in the bin, never hung in a bush and none of us can understand why some do this, if you got it in a bag then take it to a bin - round here there are bins all over the place (council owned wheelie bins that people leave out front lol).

The problem is not the dogs or their poop, its people. People will be people no matter what the subject is there will always be those people that do stuff that is just not right.
They give us responsible dog owners a bad name and ruin what little areas we have for walking them by their behavior.
There is a sign in our local park quoting about 6 anti dog bylaws, yet there is not 1 single anti chuck rubbish and glass on the floor bylaw quoted, as such their is little dog poop about but always human rubbish to see.

Neither of my dogs are "not nice" in fact they are both very nice, they don't try to maul me like the cat does. :)
Dogs are wonderful and I wouldn't be without one now. Kids and other people I can do without.
True,many dogs are wonderful,some owners flinging dog crap in plastic bags,utter utter brain dead moronic asholes.Same as people who drop litter
True,many dogs are wonderful,some owners flinging dog crap in plastic bags,utter utter brain dead moronic asholes.Same as people who drop litter

Not sure what the solution other than make owning pets way more expensive.
I'm sure there are ****-loads (excuse the pun) of DM readers who have a couple of pooing pettikins.
Sir G.

I don't know.

I don't like dogs at all, but here, in Portugal, some dogs just wander around - like cats do - the owners let them out on their own but they do seem quite sensible.
They don't run around like mad things bothering people, like in Britain, but just walk normally. They know how to cross the road, waiting for traffic to pass and there isn't crap all over the place. You see some crap on planted areas but not on the pavement. There are road sweepers so perhaps they pick it up (never seen it happen) if there is any or there isn't any - I don't know.

As for the problem of stupid owners - fine them? That of course requires workers looking for offenders.
Massive fines for those who don’t pick up after their dogs. Maybe the cost of having 10mtrs of path either side cleaned and sanitized.

Or if I were in charge, make them eat it.
Bet she picks it up.
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