Margaret Thatcher's legacy


Unfortunately I feel you are right about companies now, but believe that is mainly to do with the Internet and the generation affected by it, There are at least laws that allow you to hammer them if you follow them.

Currency variations have little impact (IMO) except for gas/oil., but I do believe that utility companies really are ripping people off and can't believe how pathetic the controlling bodies are about kicking them into touch ( out of interest this is also a huge topic in Germany which is suffering in the same way ( and is is the home of some of the greedy companies))

I don't believe that there is any relation between price movements on the continent and the UK.

I absolutely don't believe your comment about her hatred for the working-classes. You undoubtedly are aware of her origins as a grocer's daughter. My dad was a farm-labourer and so I was born into the lowest level of the working-class.

Through her breaking up the the rigid divisions , it was easier for me and many others to move through different levels.

I don't say this for any other reason than to show (IMO) that her reforms were motivated by a desire to allow effort,skill and intelligence to be rewarded for itself without needing to be harnessed to a trade-union or an "old-boy" network.

A "mointain' is a mountain with a "fat-finger" attached to it. :D

By the way, think your "sub-title (?) " is superb. can you add something about the search-facility as well ?
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. My dad was a farm-labourer and so I was born into the lowest level of the working-class.
Can't agree with this, my dad was a labourer and myself also,at no stage of my life have I felt as if I am lower than any one else.
. Through her breaking up the the rigid divisions , it was easier for me and many others to move through different levels.
Maybe its an age thing but I have never been so well off has I am now,don't owe anything to nobody,did it come about because of Thatcher putting the wheels in motion or Blair/Browns boom?
It was the Blair Brown boom whereby they borrowed and borrowed and now your kids have got to pay for your wealth.
It was the Blair Brown boom whereby they borrowed and borrowed and now your kids have got to pay for your wealth.
I have paid for it by doing long hours so my kids have in no way helped.I was able to do it because of the boom,so how is clegg/dave going to help anyone by cut/cut/cut and then cut again?
Back to the thread title was it Thatchers legacy or Blairs boom that as helped.
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It was a false boom. A boom that they haven't paid for - just look at the state of the budget deficit. Your kids are the ones that will suffer. You had the money - they've got the debt. Every man, woman and child in this country is in debt to the tune of £20K - thanks Nu Lab. :rolleyes:
But its all figures Joe ,highlighted by the Tory ideologist as opposed to Labour ideologist.I've said before since leaving school I have worked under various govenments/chancellors and all they ever do is talk the talk and hammer the working man in taxes and it won't stop any time soon.You have to deal with whats in front of you and get on with it.
To get back to the thread..

As i initially said, i could really have seen GB falling to the level of a third-world state if she had not taken power. I don't want to labour this point but the Winter of Discontent would have been a foretaste of the future.

My opinion - and trying to leave any political feelings aside - was that the unions had gone mad and would have driven us into a huge hole whilst condemning everyone to penury by vast inflation.

Initially I was sceptical that anyone could roll back the hugely entrenched position and power of the unions: happily I was deeply wrong.
But its all figures Joe ,highlighted by the Tory ideologist as opposed to Labour ideologist.I've said before since leaving school I have worked under various govenments/chancellors and all they ever do is talk the talk and hammer the working man in taxes and it won't stop any time soon.You have to deal with whats in front of you and get on with it.

It's all figures but what those figures mean is that we have reached the point where we can't pay it back - we're bust, broke and ruined - thanks Gordie Boy.

Have just seen your last mail and taxes on the "working-man"

i don't know how you meant that, but the lowest paid pay a tiny amount of income tax as a proportion of the total.
get back to what you like fella

thatcher screwed your country in order to screw the NUM
she wasn't bothered about the likes of the working man
she just wanted to shaft scargill at any cost

now your paying the price

me i peed off out of it :LOL:

Have just seen your last mail and taxes on the "working-man"

i don't know how you meant that, but the lowest paid pay a tiny amount of income tax as a proportion of the total.
Not every working man is the lowest paid.
It's all figures but what those figures mean is that we have reached the point where we can't pay it back - we're bust, broke and ruined - thanks Gordie Boy.
But are we,look out in the street the lights are still on,the rubbish is collected fortnightly,the street sweeper still cleans the street,the Ambulances are still running,the electric is still being produced,gas is still coming down the pipe,theres still petrol for the car where is all this doom and gloom. :LOL:

All of the things you quote are still happening but getting continually worse year by year and given the inertia in such large organisations this deterioration will continue for some years even if the rudder is yanked round now.

How many more cases do we need of ambulances going to three wrong addresses or paramedics saying : "he's a useless dead-beat, no point in reviving him " or similar'

Our public-services are currently fairly crap ( if 5% are below standard, that for me is crap) and much of the new "it;s the rules"' ideology brought in by Blair/Brown is responsible. thatcher would never have allowed any of her ministers to accept rubbish like that.

Don't you feel you rather overdo the baccy-spittin', ol'good-boy persona for someone who has not been there for very long ?

If you lived in Brixton, would you start saying "innit ' at the end of every sentence after the first week ? ...... fella
The debt mountain is getting ever bigger.
We are heading the same way as Greece, Ireland and Spain. It's not something we can fix. It's like Joe Public that gets in too deep with his credit card, you reach a point where the debt gets bigger than you can repay and then you default.

The UK will default one day.
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