Never Ending Story

the crowd that had gathered were shocked and aghast to see step off...
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as the missing diddy man had run off with his tickling stick only to end up....
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who was aware the jam butty mines had been closed due to flooding, so he was sure the diddy man was up for a bit of marmite mining :eek: Could this be..
event from the past that's lurking in the background awaiting disclosure, "Who knows but thats whats up on this mornings episode of WHOSE BEEN A NAUGHTY BOY THEN, on todays show".....
but quickly realised neither could read nor write and it was an invitation or inoculation, but alas it was too late they had..
thierry after seeing a sad film on the telly but still had time to phone the gallas to have a chat about the latest news on I'm a celebrity and the hot gossip about...
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