New 20 MPH Limit


Are you suggesting it's not possible to fit an accurate speedo? I've got one on my pushbike.
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I think there's a strong case for banning 4x4 cars from towns and other built-up areas.

If you live in the country and it's "essential" for your way of life, then by all means. But park and ride when you get close to towns and cities.

Don't know about a ban but I have to agree 4x4s in towns are just plain stupid and a "sports" 4x4 what moron dreamed that up? Personally I think all 4x4s should be limited to 50mph and to allow those that actually need them a law saying that if they have carpet, air con and electric windows then the tax should be five or six times what it is now. If you can't clean a 4x4 out with a hose and carry hay or horse muck then you don't need one.
Are you suggesting it's not possible to fit an accurate speedo? I've got one on my pushbike.

no i was suggesting you have no idea what you are talking about. when was your bike speedo last calibrated?
Are you saying that it isn't possible to fit an accurate speedo or have radar speed signs on the motorway? If your speedo is out by 5% then you can recalculate that in your head. My speedo reads 30mph - but when I go through a radar speed reminder - it says 26mph. I know that if I travel at 34 according to my speedo - I will actually be travelling at 30mph. Why are you so dumb? Are you a copper?
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If your speedo is out by 5% then you can recalculate that in your head.

oh so you have finally sussed out the percentage loss on a speedo then, congratulations. that means your bike speedo isn't accurate as you claimed.

no i'm not saying it's not possible. it's just not likely. speed warning signs on a motorway would be both pointless and expensive.
No they wouldn't - every village has them.
No they wouldn't - every village has them.

and how much do they cost? multiply that by six lanes and then multiply that by however many you want per mile.....the cost is astronomical.
You are a silly copper that don't know nuffink. :rolleyes:
I live on a wide dual carriageway, its not a 'main' road just a residential avenue. Each carriageway is the width of 3+ cars so its easy to pass a parked car with a wide berth.

However, I have lost count of the number of times I have parked outside my house, checked my mirrors and then had to wait while some prat goes hurtling past at more than 40mph, (the speed limit is 30mph), barely missing my side mirrors!

We have asked for speed bumps to be installed and about 2 years ago we were told they would be. Then some idiot down the road said it was a main thoroughfare for emergency vehicles and the bumps were scrapped. In those 2 years only 1 police car has been seen using the road with his lights flashing and 2 ambulances. One ambulance was to reach a child who had been knocked down in the road by a passing car and the second ambulance was to attend a car that had crashed into a lamp post after losing control when one of the residents had just parked up and opened the drivers door without looking!

Bring the speed bumps in and the 20mph limit on ALL residential side streets immediately!
How often do I ride a pushbike at 70mph on a motorway? :LOL: :LOL:
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