New Covid rules for the UK coming into effect for...

Btw, I'm sorry but there are lots of big words in there that you won't understand...

Ad hominem noted.

"Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccination is associated with a small change in cycle length but not menses length."

"Overall, the vaccinated cohort experienced a less than 1-day unadjusted increase in the length of their menstrual cycle during the first vaccine cycle compared with their three prevaccination cycles"

"Our findings are reassuring; we find no population-level clinically meaningful change in menstrual cycle length associated with COVID19 vaccination. Our findings support and help explain the self-reports of changes in cycle length."

Hardly earth shattering news, that is why it is good that you cite your sources. Well done.
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he is wrong.
the best protection is vaccine + natural immunity.
the evidence supports that.

he has probably read some cr@p on aunt Nellies what’s app group.
And you are a consultant in which medical field?

No doubt you know better personally, not from what you've been spoon fed?

And also no doubt he'll be pilloried for standing up to a health secretary who majored in economics and politics.
Then went on to banking career before becoming an arse wipe tory...

But hey, according to you Savid probably knows more than the consultant who is actually a trained medic and sees what is going on day in day out!
Hardly earth shattering news, that is why it is good that you cite your sources. Well done.

Someone is too thick to understand the possible consequences...

Don't forget this was denied to be happening not so long ago...

So with your all seeing cycloptic eye, maybe you can tell us that there will categorically be no more side effects of the jabs in the short/medium/long terms?
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maybe you can tell us that there will categorically be no more side effects of the jabs in the short/medium/long terms?

No, that would be silly.

Loads of "side effects" "reported",

Loose tooth
Gastrointestinal noises abnormal
Eyelid thickening
Teeth brittle
Eyelash changes
Tongue rough
Tooth loss
No adverse event
Breast implant palpable
Genital herpes
Tooth injury
Exposure to vaccinated person
Multiple fractures
Prescription drug used without a prescription
Ligament sprain
Exposure to extreme temperature
Electric shock
Pelvic fracture
Penis injury
Face crushing
Spinal fracture
Sperm concentration
Pregnancy on contraceptive
Premature ejaculation
Breast swelling
Penile size reduced

You could try and google it...

But then you are too thick to do that of course...

So here you go...

Linky Linky

Btw, I'm sorry but there are lots of big words in there that you won't understand...

Therefore 'pointless'!

Women being ill and that interfering with that cycle is new???? What does a vaccine do - activate the immune system. Interesting actually as the cycle relates to fertility.
So the constant is an anti vaxxer is what your saying.

No, you're missing the point. Antivaxxers claim doctors lie, other than when it suits them. That's hypocritical.
You are indeed,as you know more than a consultant from kings hospital.
Do you have your medical certification to hand

It is the consensus view of experts that count, not the opinion of outliers.
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