New Liblab party

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31 May 2016
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United Kingdom
7 Labour MPs have quit the Labour Party. I wonder if others will follow.
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Did they quit because Corbyn didn’t campaign for a people’s vote?
'Tis but the death throes of the UK as an influence in the world...

The 'gang of seven' will no doubt have as much success as the 'gang of four'...

Because FPTP and an ill educated electorate doesn't allow for large scale political diversity leading to compromise politics!

What we are now seeing is a political disintegration that will eventually lead to what will effectively become a one party UK state!
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'Tis but the death throes of the UK as an influence in the world...

The 'gang of seven' will no doubt have as much success as the 'gang of four'...

Because FPTP and an ill educated electorate doesn't allow for large scale political diversity leading to compromise politics!

What we are now seeing is a political disintegration that will eventually lead to what will effectively become a one party UK state!

another anti UK rant :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Keep em coming old bean (y)
Was surprised to see Chukka off. Thought he was going to ride that train to death.
think its party policy for all of the MP's to sign or swear some type of loyalty pledge .
think a similar thing went on in Germany 70 odd years ago ??

Corbyn always had loyalty to the party :sneaky::sneaky:
The 7 have quit over, among other things, anti-Semitism.

Is there anti-Semitism in this country?

...and if so, why is there anti-Semitism in this country?
The 7 have quit over, among other things, anti-Semitism.

Is there anti-Semitism in this country?

...and if so, why is there anti-Semitism in this country?

The labour party have been arguing over this for 2 or 3 years. They seem incapable of sorting it out , then try and convince every one that they could negoiate a brexit deal :LOL:
The success of this party will depend on a peoples vote becoming likely.

Those that arent happy about centreground politics forget the Blair brought Labour back from the wilderness and stayed around for 13 years.......
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