NHS needs foreign doctors, Government is anti-foreigner.

15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
Can you guess who wins?

not the NHS

Not the doctors or other hospital workers.


"The Home Office, which is responsible for the UK’s immigration system, pledged on March 31 that it would automatically grant a year’s extension to the visas of any NHS staff whose permission to stay in the UK expired before October 1.

Priti Patel, the home secretary, said at the time that she did not want staff dealing with the pandemic to be “distracted by the visa process”. The offer also covered the visas of the workers’ dependants and was subsequently made free of charge."

You can trust Prissy Patel...

Can't you?

"Overseas doctors have been unable to leave the country, threatened with eviction and had family members sacked because of delays in issuing new UK residence permits they were promised at the height of the pandemic.

The issue affects non-EU nationals working in the NHS — many exhausted after months battling Covid-19. One doctor said he had been unable to visit an ill relative in Pakistan, while another had to cancel plans to get married in his home country."

How did it happen?

"The hospitals asked those affected to hand over their and their families’ Biometric Residence Permits (BRPs) ahead of their visa renewal date at the request of the Home Office, according to testimony from eight doctors interviewed by the Financial Times. But months later they were still awaiting for some or all of the replacements.

The tightening up on undocumented migrants in the UK in recent years makes it impossible for immigrants to undertake many essential tasks, ranging from renting property to placing their children in a school, without showing a BRP, which proves the holder has a valid visa for the UK."
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The government specialises in 'dogs breakfasts'...

But even worse...

It's been announced that any family that receives the £60k payout for frontline workers (mainly doctors, nurses, care home workers) who have died will have the money clawed back by refusing any form of benefit.

Given the estimated number who could claim, the cost is less than £35m

A fraction of the cost of buying useless PPE, and a tiny tiny fraction of the billions handed out in non tendered out contracts to tories and their chums...
Mind you, frontline workers did get a round of applause for a few evenings!

Just goes to show how much borisconi and goebbels really value their efforts and people's lives in the UK!
Interesting that you have highlighted 'foreigner' in your biased posting.
You will find that during this CV19 crisis, everyone has suffered from delayed responses on application to public bodies. HMPO (passports) and DVLA (driving licences) just to mention two.
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Interesting that you have highlighted 'foreigner' in your biased posting.
You will find that during this CV19 crisis, everyone has suffered from delayed responses on application to public bodies. HMPO (passports) and DVLA (driving licences) just to mention two.
You clearly don't understand the differentiation between immigrant documents/visas and UK citizen documents...

For the latter, any delay (and I've not experienced any) is an inconvenience...

For the former it means navigating most aspects of life becomes almost impossible!
Interesting that you have highlighted 'foreigner' in your biased posting.

I guess a thread about the effects on people who are working in the UK and are foreigners, is pretty well certain to mention foreigners.

Sorry you don't like to see the problem mentioned.
You clearly don't understand the differentiation between immigrant documents/visas and UK citizen documents...

For the latter, any delay (and I've not experienced any) is an inconvenience...

For the former it means navigating most aspects of life becomes almost impossible!

There are people losing jobs because they are unable to acquire passports, driving licences and HGV driving medicals. I have highlighted that the problem is UK wide whilst the OP is implying that the government is 'anti-foreigner' and only applies to them.
I guess a thread about the effects on people who are working in the UK and are foreigners, is pretty well certain to mention foreigners.

Sorry you don't like to see the problem mentioned.

You choose to focus on foreigners so you don't worry that it is affecting everyone?
You choose to focus on foreigners

I started a thread about the effect on foreign doctors that the NHS relies on.

Incidentally mentioning a broken promise by Prissy Patel.

If you want to start a general thread about the incompetence of this government, I'm not stopping you.
There are people losing jobs because they are unable to acquire passports, driving licences and HGV driving medicals.
You have proof of this?

I have highlighted that the problem is UK wide whilst the OP is implying that the government is 'anti-foreigner' and only applies to them.
The OP is merely pointing out the truth...

Or are you suggesting that UK citizens also require 'Biometric Residence Permits' in order to live their lives?

Are passports and driving licences now compulsory for all?

The UK government is 'anti foreigner' in the way it behaves, but then that is simply a result of an 'anti foreigner' referendum result!

Although it also goes way further back - ever heard of the windrush scandal?
Foreign doctors, don't get me started!
My sister is a born Brit Indian NHS hospital Doctor, who studied and graduated from here. She has told me that Asian/African Doctors & nurses who emigrate to here often pay someone in their home countries to get a fake medical certificate. Once they arrive on our shores, they have to take a certain exam and practise for a few years. After that, they become a GP or a hospital consultant!
She has worked with a few East European doctors who were consultants in their countries and have moved here ( because of £££ ) but are pi$$ed that they haven't been able to straightaway become consultants and have to start off as Doctors over here. They come at 10, sit around and have coffee and disappear at 1 ! And, we the lovely taxpayers fund their wages.
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Benny is writing nonsense again.

Luckily he is never ill, so an understaffed NHS doesn't trouble him.
‘government is anti-foreigner’
and i’m writing nonsense?.:LOL:
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