The second wave...

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23 May 2004
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United Kingdom
Of migrants are coming...

"Foreign care workers will be given special visas to move to the UK to head off fears of desperate staffing shortages when Brexit is completed, in a major government U-turn.

Priti Patel will on Monday unveil a new “health and care visa”, entitling migrant workers to fast-track cut-price permission to take up job offers and support to move here with their families."

That's on top of the scheme for NHS workers, and no doubt when crops are rotting in the fields fruit and veg pickers will get the same treatment.

All parts of the UK economy will be lobbying for exemptions, and of course don't forget the millions of HK residents that have been promised the right to live in the UK...

So the key issue of Brexit is being ignored, and the question now is simply where are all these migrants coming from if not from Eastern Europe?

In return of course UK citizens will have lost their right to free movement in 30 other countries!

And all the other benefits of belonging to the biggest trading block in the world!
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So the key issue of Brexit is being ignored, and the question now is simply where are all these migrants coming from if not from Eastern Europe?
I’d say that’s exactly what we wanted. If we need health workers or any workers that we are short of, let them come. Same as fruit pickers - come over, pick our fruit and then go back home when it’s picked. Do not stop, do not apply for housing, do not apply for benefits, do not bring your offspring over to be educated, do not bring over aged parents to be supported by our health system etc etc. When the job finishes, your residency status finishes. That’s exactly what I’d expect if I went to work in another country. In fact, that’s exactly what happened when I worked abroad years ago. What’s wrong with that?
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What’s wrong with that?
only your lack of knowledge:

EEA jobseekers:
  • Cannot claim means-tested Jobseekers Allowance (JSA), child benefit, or child tax credit within the first three months of arriving in the UK.
  • Lose eligibility for JSA if they are still looking for work after a further three months, unless they can give 'compelling evidence of a genuine prospect' being hired, such as a written job offer.
  • Cannot claim housing benefit.
Same as fruit pickers - come over, pick our fruit and then go back home when it’s picked.

Who eats the fruit ?

Some of it is eaten by work shy people in the UK living on proceeds of crime and/or benefits who could do the picking and earn some money towards their NetFlix bill.
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Who eats the fruit ?

Some of it is eaten by work shy people in the UK living on proceeds of crime and/or benefits who could do the picking and earn some money towards their NetFlix bill.

do you mean ex soldiers suffering mental health problems and are on universal credit?
do you mean women who have ended up homeless and on universal credit due to domestic violence.
do you mean people who live in the poor regions of the UK and cant get a job
do you mean people who have been injured or have a terminal illness and cant work and claim benefit

if you don't mean those people perhaps you might like to explain what percentage of people on benefits you are claiming to be 'benefit scroungers'.
do you mean people who live in the poor regions of the UK and cant get a job

They could do some seasonal work picking fruit. In bygone days hop picking was a "free" holiday activity for poor families. It wages put money into the jam jars on the mantle shelves of people in low paid work or un-employed.

Obviously there are many people who do have to rely on benefits and other support processes.

But there are people who are perfectly able to work but who prefer to be couch potatoes watching their 50 inch TV.
only your lack of knowledge:

EEA jobseekers:
  • Cannot claim means-tested Jobseekers Allowance (JSA), child benefit, or child tax credit within the first three months of arriving in the UK.
  • Lose eligibility for JSA if they are still looking for work after a further three months, unless they can give 'compelling evidence of a genuine prospect' being hired, such as a written job offer.
  • Cannot claim housing benefit.

EEA 'jobseekers’? That’s a euphemism for poncing, begging, pimping, pickpocketing and thieving isn’t it? That term will thankfully disappear at midnight on December 31st.
I don’t want any EEA 'jobseekers' coming over here at all. Not one. They must have a job to come to that we need doing and have a permit issued, by us, to do that particular job and that job alone.
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only your lack of knowledge:

EEA jobseekers:
  • Cannot claim means-tested Jobseekers Allowance (JSA), child benefit, or child tax credit within the first three months of arriving in the UK.
  • Lose eligibility for JSA if they are still looking for work after a further three months, unless they can give 'compelling evidence of a genuine prospect' being hired, such as a written job offer.
  • Cannot claim housing benefit.
If Cameron had accepted the EU offers, prior to the referendum, some of your listed benefits would have been changed in favour of the UK.
Here is an article laying out Cameron's demands, EU offers, and explanatory assessments.
poncing, begging, pimping, pickpocketing and thieving

poor old Mottie vomits forth his hatred of foreigners again.

Remember his predecessors marching through Brick Lane.
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