I suppose they didn't think of this did they

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1 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom


So a Fruit Farmer is worried after voting for Brexit he can't get staff and his business might fold, his solution is more Immigration from Russia and Ukraine but he has to pay them £30k to meet Home Office requirements.

So a couple in a Nursing home voted leave as did the Nursing Home owner and he's now worried he can't find staff.

Both areas relied on cheap foreign workers who they wanted to leave. Not very clever.

The irony is the right wingers on here will say we need more UK born workers to do these jobs - that's fine but you can't force people to work in these jobs - so whats the option? Pay them more, can't do that as Social Care is already underfunded (thanks to the government these right wingers voted for). The fruit farmers can go to the wall and we can import more food but then your more reliant on imports - not what the right wingers want - they want self sufficiency.

Let these old people just die in their homes? The NHS would soon clog up (beds have been cut under the Government you voted for so really can't have them bed block)

Let the kids take care of their parents?

So if we want more UK born workers we need to address the issue of the low birth rate of UK born citizens. Hungary and Bulgaria have implemented new policies to encourage child birth by giving longer paternity and maternity time off, more expansive childcare, tax system geared towards families. But that goes against everything Right Wingers believe in and have voted against- it's socialism, state handouts and benefits.

Right Wingers are confused.
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A bit like some expats interviewed the other day, looked like Daily Mail readers all voted leave, now they are crying into their San Miguel, " I didn't think it would affect us", give me strength!
"I suppose they didn't think of this did they"

Quitters don't think, full stop...

They just endlessly spout meaningless mantras and refuse to answer any questions!
Hmm, it certainly is a problem, but... it's increasingly difficult to get any workers from the EU as the wage disparity is closing rapidly, looks like all EU members are increasingly going to have to "force" their natives to do jobs that they dont want to do.
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The reason Polish workers are going home is because wages are now similar over there as here if you add cost of living into the mix.
They are indeed, many are better off in their home countries now.
A bit like some expats interviewed the other day, looked like Daily Mail readers all voted leave, now they are crying into their San Miguel, " I didn't think it would affect us", give me strength!
There was even one recently who said he voted leave and then bought a house in Spain.
The reason Polish workers are going home is because wages are now similar over there as here if you add cost of living into the mix.

It's good news that the countries that join the EU benefit, develop, and their economy improves. The same thing happened to the UK.

The other reason that foreign workers find UK wages unappealing is of course




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It's also a bit sad for expat pensioners.

Every £1 used to give them €1.50, and now it's only €1.16
It's good news that the countries that join the EU benefit, develop, and their economy improves. The same thing happened to the UK.
That of course is one of the ideas behind the EU.
More healthy economies equals more trade possibilities.
(And of course quitters conveniently forget that the 'sick man of Europe' used to export it's workers to Germany not so long ago to make ends meet!)

The UK it appears is on course for the reverse - a race to the bottom to become an economic poodle to the USA!
Both areas relied on cheap foreign workers who they wanted to leave. Not very clever.

You voted remain because you like a cheap foreign worker, as those dame local working class want enough to live on.
Quaint idea, like world peace and Santa but fantasy economics.
It's so sad how easily the cult of Brexshit brainwashes their blind followers...

A select ('special') group here in diynot would also probably not understand that it is also apparently known as 'wallynomics'...:LOL: )
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