NI Protocol - Windsor Framework

I think you will find it is the EU that is demanding a hard border and not the Unionists or the British government.
The Unionist case is that if the EU wants a hard border, then that border should on EU territory and not UK territory.
how difficult is it ?

you\we voted for brexit, partly because we "wanted control of our borders". We had these borders before and they were working well. How are they now after that decision ?

how can we take control of them if we don't have them? Given the agreements and complications in Ireland, where and how, exactly do YOU want these controlled borders you asked for?l

stop blaming others and accept the responsibility. If you didn't understand brexit then why did you vote for it ?
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I think that right wing elements of the unionists want a hard border as a form of sovereign protection and as a way distancing themselves from Eire.

I would really like to know whether that is true. I have a feeling it is, but NI politics is a mystery to most outside that country. It could well be that these elements desperately want a hard border, but they know they can't say so publicly. In that case the ideal outcome for them would be to collapse talks and rule out any compromise, and then wait for the EU/Ireland to put up a border and then EU/Ireland will take the blame.
I would really like to know whether that is true. I have a feeling it is, but NI politics is a mystery to most outside that country. It could well be that these elements desperately want a hard border, but they know they can't say so publicly. In that case the ideal outcome for them would be to collapse talks and rule out any compromise, and then wait for the EU/Ireland to put up a border and then EU/Ireland will take the blame.
trying to shift the blame. E u won't put up hard border, but will protect their interest, markets and people. Up to us how we work round that. After all, it's exactly what we wanted.

almost like some want a return to "the problems"
It was the EUs fault

The UK negotiated in good faith with the EU

How ever what the UK did not take into consideration were the the unfriendly states

Yes exactly the behind the scenes back stabbers like the French ;)
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It was the EUs fault

The UK negotiated in good faith with the EU

How ever what the UK did not take into consideration were the the unfriendly states

Yes exactly the behind the scenes back stabbers like the French ;)
was that a serious post ?
The UK negotiated in good faith with the EU
The UK didn't show good faith to anyone - the EU, the UK itself, especially NI - anyone except BJ and his band of merry men.

I would really like to know whether that is true. I have a feeling it is, but NI politics is a mystery to most outside that country. It could well be that these elements desperately want a hard border, but they know they can't say so publicly. In that case the ideal outcome for them would be to collapse talks and rule out any compromise, and then wait for the EU/Ireland to put up a border and then EU/Ireland will take the blame.
I think the great majority in NI across the board want open borders with the republic - because of the enormous cross border trade which benefits so many. But that is the paradox of brexhit in NI, no borders versus taking back control of borders.

Sadly, the Brexer lie that you can have a border between UK and EU

And no border between UK and UK

But no border between EU and UK

Has always been nonsense.

Almost everybody knew that.
You mean Boris Johnson the charlatan and seasoned liar? Good faith my arse.

The great British Brexit fugg-up is the UK Brexers fault boyo and no one else. Own it.


It was always going to be EU policy to be as difficult as possible
And cause as many problems as possible

Wise up and attempt to use some common sense :giggle:
The Brexer Tories are a chaotic bunch of losers, the country is on its arse and Brexit is one almighty fudge up. Wake up indeed.

I'd question the fact the country is on its arse, read the latest reports from various sources including the BOE which are pretty much a U turn on last months bollux. Also, brexer Tories are a bunch of winners, we won, didn't you know that?
PMSL at all the ignorant brexiteers who blame the EU for the inevitable c*ck up of their hissy fit vote...

Because the EU are simply sticking to the rules that the UK helped to write...

But then it is in the brexiteer 'DNA' to blame them 'foreigners ' for home grown problems...

Utterly stupid of course, but then they'll probably stick to their warped 'cult' unto the day they die ;)
PMSL at all the ignorant brexiteers who blame the EU for the inevitable c*ck up of their hissy fit vote...

Because the EU are simply sticking to the rules that the UK helped to write...

But then it is in the brexiteer 'DNA' to blame them 'foreigners ' for home grown problems...

Utterly stupid of course, but then they'll probably stick to their warped 'cult' unto the day they die ;)
You'll be long gone before Britain even considers rejoining the EU.
So you enjoy whinging about Brexit till you die I bet you make many a Brexers heart glad.
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