Oil running out?

just having a little fun for a change on a subject that the doom merchant periodically drags out and blows the dust off of. Anyway were all going to die so who cares

no offence taken ;)
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This pointless post has been contributed to so many times with so many personal insults/jibes that you have wasted a barrel of oil to produce the energy to power your computers.

Now stop it!

Anyway, we're grossly overdue for a supervolcano eruption. which by all reckonings reduced the world population to about 40000 (according to a Horizon documentary I saw a few years ago), plus the meteor will strike any day now. When either of these happen we will have the blood-letting desired by joe to get to a more sustainable population, plus with a bit of luck we may be able to harness some of the energy created to create electricity for all the survivors for a while.

im going to live forever!

Welcome back Freddy Mercury!!

Thermo wrote:
There can be only one!!
Thank goodness.

Freddy he meant!

And I totally agree, no one can touch him! ;)

no it was a quote from highlander, which the song came from! youre right though there certainly was only one freddy, definetly an entertainer
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