On Board Sound No Longer Working

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
Hi long-suffering folks!

Now I've got round to putting together my new PC system, I've had a jolly fun afternoon taking the best bits out of three redundant PC's and getting it working.

I've assembled the bits, nuked the HDD and loaded up Win XP.

All OK so far. In fact, this is the system I am posting from now.

The only thing that no longer works is the sound. Now, it's on-board sound. The relevant info from the MB is: KT4V, MS6712 Ver 10A. From memory (no pun intended!) it's a Microstar, with Athlon XP2000+ processor.

Am I given to believe that XP is not recognising the on-board sound hardware?

When I look it up, the system tells me there is no sound gear fitted.

Do I need to fit a stand-alone sound card?

Also, I seem to have the incorrect keyboard set-up at the moment. I think it's a US KB set-up. I have changed the language to Englisk UK, but the KB settings are still not correct. How do I change this please?

For example, the "@" and ' " ' characters are swapped round.

Thanks for your help.
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You may need to install the relevant audio drivers in order to have on-board sound working. Check with the motherboard manufacturer website

Go into start/settings/control panel
then click(or double click) Regional and Language options icon

Make sure you change all options to English (United Kingdom) not just the one ;)

For the sound card Tapirs advice is whats needed i would say its on the motherboard driver disc.

If you not got the driver disc have a look here


and also a good driver at the time for sound was Integrated Direct Sound AC'97 audio driver aditional info from google you should find it easy.

Thanks both!

I have downloaded the driver and all is well.

I was a bit baffled because the system told me the sound card was not installed, so I took its word for it and assumed XP was not compatible with the OB sound or rather vice versa.

The KB thing I have not sorted. I have changed all settings to English UK, but the KB set-up is still incorrect. I think the kids will have to live with it... ;)
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This too ??

