Poor Londoners

cheer up, they'll be out in 6 months.
Could be any day now.

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So why did you pretend I'd convinced you to change your mind?
I've said it for a long time now.

I think you where going I'm about Johnson. I think he was PM ar a tough time.
Like Gorden Brown, I always thought he would have been a good PM , given a fair chance .
Summarised by people being in a meeting with him along with a minister and wondering who was in charge.
Also from various sources a short attention span.
Opportunist - he was pro EU. Also seen by some as too Left to be a good Tory. Did a deal with the leave faction who are rather Right. The remain group also wanted him to campaign for them. I don't think they would have thought him a suitable candidate for PM.

Has something of a history of not being entirely honest - rather the opposite.

Some degree of training. This can involve defending some idea that a person doesn't actually believe in.
If parents have the money some aspects of this start earlier on.
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Funny that Labour would welcome a Tory rather than Labour lifers.
So you think they would refuse a defector? The latest one is a bit of an oddball in some ways but is extremely keen on housing. MP for Dover - boats and etc.
Given various published utterings she has recently made about Labour the defection is rather surprising. She says down to housing policy.

Look like the Tory didn't know about it until she walked in late and went to the Labour benches.

How she will fit in - have to wait and see.
Dianne Abbott and Jeremy Corbyn still unwelcome apparently.
Corbin is too tainted and Abbot probably fits into wont tow the party line problem. That has often been a Labour problem. LOL seems to have spread to the Tory. Something that never really happened that often in the distant past. I think it's pretty obvious why they get more of it now - too much dealing on positions to gain support for the PM.
Dianne Abbott and Jeremy Corbyn still unwelcome apparently.

Funny that Labour would welcome a Tory rather than Labour lifers.

New Old New Labour.
Political optics. Nothing funny about it at all, other than the astonishing political defection. It just spells more misery for Cons and their greedy grasping chums.
So you think they would refuse a defector? The latest one is a bit of an oddball in some ways but is extremely keen on housing. MP for Dover - boats and etc.
Given various published utterings she has recently made about Labour the defection is rather surprising. She says down to housing policy.

Look like the Tory didn't know about it until she walked in late and went to the Labour benches.

How she will fit in - have to wait and see.
Another Labour Lifer ditched as a result or will the local party decide who stands at the next GE?
Another Labour Lifer ditched as a result or will the local party decide who stands at the next GE?
It's already been suggested that she wont be put forwards for Dover. And wow I am surprised that there is the beginnings of a media feast. I mean that never happens does it? Rumbles from the jungle as usual. Nothing clearly sourced.

One odd aspect is that it indicates she thinks the Tory plan re the boats wont work. As usual that is more complex than it would appear to be.
Tactically, if I were starmer. I’d run Cornell for Dover and put Elphick somewhere else.
It looks like Labour strategists have heard the penny drop: moving the party away from Momentum and making themselves more appealing to mainstream voters. His PR team managed the location for the announcement last night like pros.
Corbyn would have probably run into grief. Fine idea to borrow for infrastructure etc when rates are low but the scope for debt needs to be available.

if you want to know about debt since 2000 look here

Message - shocks can crop up. Best hope we don't have any more who ever is in.
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