Post any old song you can think of.

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Rule Britannia played by a BMW mini engine and a Nissan. ;)
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Nobody Home - Pink Floyd
Halocene - Bon Iver
On Fire - Bruce Springstein
Salisbury Hill - Peter Gabriel
That's Life - Frank Sinatra

Partial to Drum & Bass though...
It amuses me now to think of all the greaser's headbangin' to this and imagining themselves astride a mighty Triumph when the song is about Bob (Captain) Calvert cycling around London :mrgreen: - it made record execs demand a follow-up, Kings of Speed, which they stuck on the end of 'Warrior at the Edge of Time'. An unforgivable crime that should've led to a Biblical punishment: a swarm of ants in their beds and a plague of incontinent puppies in their gardens, that sort of thing.
If they'd been around when Beethoven had finished his Ninth Symphony, they'd say "can you make the chorus a bit more of a singalong?"
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